
Dog l*****g Mouth....?

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What does it mean when your dog l**k your mouth?

My dog does that and he tries to bite my ears.

Is there any significance?




  1. I personnally think it is affection, however, the actual purpose of all of this face l*****g, is more functional.

    Wild canines have a well-developed regurgitation reflex, and the puppies l**k their mother's face and lips to cause her to vomit up some food. It is most convenient for the mother to carry food in her stomach rather than trying to drag things back to the den in her mouth. Furthermore, this partially digested material makes ideal dining for young puppies.

    So l*****g the face/mouth/biting ear might simply be an instinct thing and a sign of a bond between you and your dog.

  2. He's just being friendly. I never let my dog luck my mouth or face, because I see my dog licks his private parts, so thats always grossed me out

  3. If he licks your mouth, that means he want to mate with you.

    Biting your ears just means that his genes from Mike Tyson are taking him over.

    Nah I'm just kidding. It's just a sign of affection; nothing to be afraid about.

  4. Maybe you've eaten something he likes the taste of?

    And biting your ears is just his way of playing, because when he was a puppy that was his was of playing with his mother and brothers and sisters.

    It's just his way :) If you don't like it, then when he does it tell him no and push him away.

    Hope this helps!

  5. It is a sign of submissive behaviour. I would think the dog does not want to bite, but to nibble or l**k your ears. Yet another sign of submission
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