
Dog Problem!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!! URGENT!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 7 female year old maltese and a 1 year old male. for about a few days they were having intercourse (humping; as some may call it). yesterday i noticed my 7 year old dog wouldn't come out from under my car. When she did she could barely walk and smelled horrible!! there were ALOT of flies around her anal and vaginal area. and had red or orangy stuff over that area.

so i showered her but that only helped a little she is still in pain!!

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!! i dont know what to do!!! :[

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. Get her to the vet now!!  She could have a very serious infection or injury and her life is very well in danger.  Many vets are willing to work out a payment plan if you talk to them ahead of time.  Otherwise, contact your local shelter or rescue groups they can either help you pay for her vet bills or if you can't afford them, then you need to do what is best for her and allow Maltese rescue to take her so that she can get in and get treated before she dies.  

    You can also look into Care Credit, it is a type of credit card that is designed for medical emergencies.  Most veterinary offices have information on this card.

    PLEASE! Get her to a vet immediately.  If you can not afford it and you don't have any other options then get a hold of rescue and let them help her now!!  She is obviously in a lot of pain and is suffering.  Flies typically only show up when tissue is severely damaged or diseased.  She is hiding because she is in so much pain and is so uncomfortable.

    Where are you located?  Some shelters have programs in place to provide vet assistance for people with low-income, and if I knew where you were, I could look for you.  

  2. When you have a problem like this, that is very grave in nature, why would you come to yahoo answers? Wouldn't you go to the vet to get it looked at right away? Are you dumb?

  3. She's obviously got an infection and possibly pyometria. I'd get her to the vet as soon as possible. It doesn't sound good at all.

    Edit: If you don't have enough money for a vet, then have fun watching your dog die a slow and painful death.

    Do the right thing and find a way to get the poor dog the help it needs. If you can't afford a vet, then you have no business having not only one, but TWO dogs!!

  4. TAKE HER TO THE VET IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!! This is not something that you should try to take care of yourself. You have to go to the vet!!! There could be several different things wrong with her that can not be answered online.

  5. contact your vet.

  6. She needs to go to the vet.

  7. Take her to an emergency vet as quickly as possible.  You sound like you really care about this dog -- so don't delay writing things here anymore -- just take her to a vet that is equipped to handle emergencies.

  8. She may have an infection of some type. You should really contact your vet.

  9. tour one year old had done this too much and has made her raw, you should keep them apart and let her heal

  10. You should definately contact your vet and make an appointment as soon as possible. Until then, keep the two separate and keep her as secluded and comfortable as possible. Encourage her to rest!

  11. maybe a vaginal infection, take her to the vet ASAP,

    the vet maay givee heer a pill too help heer, or a shot.

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