
Dog Rescuing - Huskies? UK question?

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I have posted this question yesterday but didn't get much feedback so posted it again.

I want to start rescuing Siberian Huskies (And other sled dogs) but I want to look into it a bit more first and was wondering if anyone could help me out by recommending places I can go or books I can get or websites about it (UK)?

I have 3 Siberian Huskies now and I have completely fallen in love with the breed and I now that there are alot of people who take on a Husky without realizing how demanding and dominant they can be (and powerful) and then they will just abandon them or abuse them!

For this reason I want to help out rescue centres by offering them a helping hand. For example, if they have an abused Husky who is nervous/aggressive towards people/dogs, I will offer to take the dog on and work with him/her to help them gain their courage in people/dogs again and train them and keep then up to date with any medical treatment (flea, worming, other medications), and obviously give them all the general care they require (grooming, feeding, walks) as well so they will be more appealing to potential owners. I think that makes sense.

I am going to enroll myself into a dog training course and have already done 3 years at college studying Animal Management and Care and I am also going to get a job at pet superstore and volunteer at a dog rescue shelter and kennels before I did start to rescue huskies first. Am I going in the right direction to do this?





  1. I would say you are definitely going in the right direction and the fact that you volunteer will be very impressive to some people as they can see that you are not just doing it for the money!  

    I think doing the dog training course is a really good idea.  You probably already know a lot about the breed as you have 3 yourself and because you love them so much but you could try buying books on the breed - have a look at this page - there is a list of some books that might help -

    also try searching on google for information on the breed - try a website like wikipedia.  

    also when you do get started in this business remember if you are taking these dogs in that you will need plenty of room as you may have some sort of inspector checking to make sure you are looking after them properly and are not getting overcrowded.

    Just keep going as you are am I'm sure you'll do great.

    hope this helps!

  2. wot a great thing to do and i wish you all the best and i think you are going in the right direction but have you tried talking to the rspca or other rescues they maybe able to help you out and tell you the right way to go about it,

    i love huskys myself and im planing on getting one but not yet as i dont have the time but i will when my youngest is in school then i will loads and i do know how much work is involved with them but hey god luck!

  3. These people should be able to help you:

    Look on the left hand side of the page, at the bottom (you might have to scroll down) there is a link titled "contact us".

    Good luck.

  4. The obvioous place to start is with Siberian Husky Welfare - I gave you the link to them yesterday - have you been in touch with them?

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