
Dog Sprayed by skunk.?

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so we let our dog out to go to the bathroom and she runs as fast as she could out the door and then starts freeking out we go look to see what it was and we figure out it was a skunk. how do i get the smell off and why is my dog vomiting.




  1. We had alot of skunks where I grew up and the standard "fix it" was to bath in tomato juice. I can't tell you how it works but it does.

  2. That stinks.  No pun intended.  My dog almost got skunked the other night.  The smell lingers for a while.  Bathe her in tomato juice.  That is the best remedy.  I know this from personal experience.  Maybe your dog is vomiting from the smell.  Nature's Miracle and Febreeze are not meant to be put on animals so don't use it and I never heard of using a douche on a dog.

  3. The smell of the skunk is probably making her vomit (I know I got a good wiff of one one time and I got sick from it) and bathe you dog in tomato juice.  I can't remember what it is but there is an element in tomatoes that cut the smell of skunk.  Besides it is a cheap fix.  Just remember you will have to buy a new leash or harness for your dog as it has been ruined by the dog spraying your pet.

  4. When my dog was sprayed by a skunk we first used vinegar to get the smell out and then I used douche to make him smell better and it really worked!! The throwing up is probably from the smell, my dog became extremely sick afterwards also, but he attacked the skunk so I am not sure if it was the smell or bitting. He did get better though after a couple of days, and my vet told us he was perfectly fine.  

  5. 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, 1 teaspoon liquid soap, mix right before using, leave on 5 to 10 minutes, watch not to get this in your dogs eyes.  

    natures miracle, sold at pet smart

    douche sold at pharmacies

    febreeze sold almost everywhere

    I am not sure why your dog is vomiting, it could be the smell.  If it gets worse, go to the vet.  

  6. the vomitting could be caused by the spray getting into her mouth and swallowing it. get canned tomatos and pour them all over her fur and let it sit for a good 10 to 20 minutes then shampoo her. u might have to do this a few times. anthing with tomatos even juice will help remove the odor.u can also buy skunk off at the pet stores and try this afterward. u can give ur dog a tsp of pepto bismal to calm her stomach and hope fully she will feel and smell better. keep lots of canned tomato juice handy for the next time. good luck
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