
Dog abuse and harsh training?

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I just got a yellow lab. She is very cute. My dad used to have a German Shepard. He says that when they chew something smack them on the nose. When my dog barks at the door he goes out there and rolls up a magazine and smacks her. Is this jut harsh training or abuse? My dad also when trying to teach the command heel, when she's not doing it right he'll tug on the leash to bring her by his side and she'll like fly from where she was.

If this is abuse how do I get him to stop?





  1. that is pretty hearsh.....but just tell him to not hit him but keep trying

  2. It is inappropriate to train that way. Get a book on dog training and show him the part about the effectiveness of positive reinforcement.  

  3. it depends on how hard you wack it make him do it to you and if it hurts tell him it hurts on you so it must hurt the dog but if it doesn't carry on.

  4. Proper training is done by positive reinforcement not punishment. All the punishment is teaching the dog is to be fearful. If he is smacking her on the nose too hard, it can cause damage and breathing problems.

    Look up some books on proper dog training so you can train your dog the right way.

    I don't know how to get your dad to stop, but if he doesn't, don't be surprised if you end up with an aggressive dog on your hands one day.

  5. It is a bit of both.

    If you do not want him to get a hold of your dog then you need to take the time to train her yourself.

    The more you get her trained the less likely you are to have him trying to do it for you.

    If not just be blunt with him and tell him she is your dog and you will get her, train her.

    Breaking the dog's spirit is going to do nothing but either make her fearful and less likely to take to training because she is going to associate pain with training.

    Keep this dog away from your dad as much as you can and train, train, train her yourself.

  6. it's very harsh training and a little abuse but smacking the nose when they chew is just training and its abuse to hit her when she barks.

  7. A dog never deserves to be hit because there are so many other ways to get there attention and discipline them.  Smacking a dog on the nose will only make them afraid of you, so when you go to pet them they shy away.

    The rolled up magazine is a good prop to use but only if you're using it in the right way.  For instance, NEVER hit your dog with it (since the magazine just becomes an extention of your hand or your arm) instead, smack your hand with the magazine making a loud nose right near them.  That usually takes the focus off whatever it is they are not suppose to be doing.

    Heel is actually taught the way he's teaching it but to a less dramatically.  You shouldn't be letting your dog go far enough away from you that when you snap them back into place they are "flying" at you.  

    Consult a local dog trainer or behaviorist and tell them whats going on and get some pointers.  You can do this without your Father's permission.

  8. The heel is ok but smaking only makes the dog fearful and afraid.  If your dog is barking at the door he's warning you that someone is there, they are protecting you.  Say thank you, then quiet when quiet reward and direct your dog to lie down then open the door.  One or two barks is fine but more than that requires training on your part.

    Show your dad there is a better method out there.  Watch "It's Me or the Dog" on Animal Planet and learn a better way of training your dog.

    Your dad is of old school training that's how they did it back then, and they probably had a lot more aggressive dogs also.  Read all you can and then you work on correcting the dogs behavior.  Make a deal with your dad that he allow you to do your own way of training to correct the behavior and if it works he retire the newspaper and not hit the dog anymore.

  9. Whacking the dog with a rolled-up newspaper is "Old School" - A firm NO has the same effect.

    To teach the dog heel, yes, you need to pull it back to your side, but not to the point where the dog is "flying" to his side.

    Sounds like enrolling in an obedience course would help your Dad update his skills and learn how to more effectively give commands to the Dog.

  10. Tell your dad that you don't like how he is training your dog. Training varies from dog to dog, your dads german shepard might have needed tougher training. A lab doesn`t need harsh training. Your dad should be using treats or toys to get your dog to do the trick( Training)  

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