
Dog ate bark off tree; is it a goner?

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Our new puppy has completely debark-ified our small ginkgo sapling. Will it die, or is there some way to save it? It has no bark whatsoever from the ground to two feet up the tree. Thanks for any info you can provide--we are novice gardeners.




  1. Fraid so. hang on, are you on about the dog or the tree. The dog should be OK, watch out for knots in his/her skin. The tree is a total no no.

  2. First of all lets check out the dog, 5 dog family.

    Check out the book "Sparky Fights Back"   excellent dietary information.  (3 of my dogs had cancer)

    The tree or the dog?

    If you look at the ingredients in a compound for dogs the dog may have been lacking something in his diet causing him to eat the bark.  To prevent it from re-occurring check out his diet.

    Dogs love some fresh vegetables and fruits just make sure they aren't toxic for canines

    Ingredients: cascara, Echinacea, ***ginko***, gota kola, myrrh, pau d’ arco, yarrow, rosehips, skullcap, Oregon grape, kelp, golden seal, garlic, dandelion, burdock.

    Suggestions for fruit and vegetables to give your dogs are carrots, apples, bananas, orange sections, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, etc.


    Stay away from onions and garlic. They contain an alkaloid compound that can damage red blood cells. ***Raisins and grapes aren't good as well as they can be very toxic.Grapes can cause blindness......

    **************NOW FOR THE TREE************

    Right now it's anybodys guess...I would try something like this

    Pruning Pro

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    Because what the dog has done is like a prune job.

    Then I would make guard around the tree to prevent the dog from getting back to the bark.  Similar to one's below .

    This is what I did to prevent my granddaughters dog from pulling up our young fruit trees.

  3. lol I thought when I read your question at first you were talking about the my friend says "He wanted to improve his bark!" lol

    But to correctly answer your question...Check out this website. It might help. The persons question isn't the same but it's still about a tree with no bark.

  4. If the bark is gone completely all around the tree (360 degrees), it will die.  If you are skillful you can try to do a bridge graft to restore some bark to save the tree.  I've never tried doing  that graft before and I don't think it will restore 2 feet of missing bark.  You can prevent this by using something (e.g. wire mesh) to protect the bark of newly planted trees in the future.

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