
Dog behavior- what does it mean when your dog sits on your feet or leans back on you?

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Dog behavior- what does it mean when your dog sits on your feet or leans back on you?




  1. Probably just cuddling with you .. Showing you love or protecting you.

    Sounds sweet!

    I have a dog like that too.. She is SUCH a baby! Follows me every where. I don't know what i'd do without her!

    God bless yoU!!

  2. My staffie cross does the same thing and often sits on the feet of guests who come round to the house.  I thought it was just being friendly but nooooo.  When I had the dog behaviorist over to sort out some training issues she told me that even though he was friendly it was actually very dominant behavior ie: " I'm the boss of this house and I can demand to get petted whenever I want. If I sit on and lean into you, I'm just letting you know whose the boss round here"

    Other behaviors he did that she also classified as being dominant were, sitting on the back of the sofa to see who was at the door, rushing up to her excitedly at the door and jumping up.  Coming over and putting his paw on her lap (initiating contact) and sitting facing the front door with paws outstretched in front of him (guarding his patch).

    She told us that many of our training issues would be easier if we dealt with his dominance within the home.  So now,  no more sofa time and he gets gently pushed off (with no eye contact) if he tries to lean on us or put his paws up.  We've got to be the ones to initiate contact by calling him to us when he's calm.  Guests are also instructed to completely ignore him for about 15 minutes when they come over.  It seems to be working quite well as he's alot calmer and less excitable when people come over.

    I don't think some of these behaviors are necessarily a problem in most dogs but our boy was definately pushing the boundaries with us so it was so interesting to have someone interpret his dog language and give  us some tips on effectively taking back the control!

  3. i had a dog who loved to do this!

    He just wanted attention:lean against me:wanted some affection, a back scratch!Its like he was saying:don't go yet!Stay with me for a while!

  4. My 200 lb. Neo Mastiff does that.  Not total weight-but a lot of it!  It means he wants me to rub his hips- He's pretty old for a Mastiff (8) and does take Deramaxx for arthritis pain. He is a loving, gentle, loyal companion.  The only thing he really "asks" of me, is this.  Gentle giant that he is.  I always try to comply with his wishes, if even for a few minutes....

  5. He loves you and you should be happy that your dog loves you.

  6. Depends on what is going on around you at the time. One of my dogs will do this as a protection thing, another one does this just to get in near me before the other dogs do, so it is a bit of jealousy. My CKC will do this to watch television at times.

  7. Sounds like you need The Dog Whisperer...No honestly your is showing dominance...Your is saying in dog talk..."Hey you move when I tell you to and you better pet me also"...If not corrected it could lead into something more serious...You have to be the leader of the pack...Good luck

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