
Dog constantly licks me and jumps up needing constant attention?

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Dog constantly licks me and jumps up needing constant attention?




  1. I adopted a weim from a shelter and she did this-Drove me nuts as she is big and very strong.  Started a training class on behavior modification.  It worked- she still goes insane when I get home-you'd think I was  gone for 8 months instead of 8 hours- but the jumping is gone.  Some dogs are just high strung.  I have 2 mastiffs too- and they just look at me and go back to sleep.  Go figure.

  2. That is what every dog does.

  3. well give it atention like  dose it like do discusing stuff  to you if it dose its just getting to know u and trying to be freinds with you it dose it to me to i got a jack russle your dog is just  it dose it to my friends too mateing with you its in heat no big deal really

  4. You need to train your dog to lie quietly when you can't give it your attention.  My favorite way of doing this is to put her/him in a long down-stay.  This ends the constant neediness and gives the dog a job, ie., staying down.  You can eventually vary this by training him to go to "her/his place".  From now on, I'm going to say her, but I mean whatever s*x s/he is.  

    The down stay goes like this.  Put a training collar on her (the kind that is a chain that you can use to correct her and immediately releases.  Tell her "Down", and use the hand signal of sweeping your hand down toward the ground.  If she doesn't immediately drop to the floor, tell him "no!" and pull her front legs and make her drop.  Tell her "Stay" and use a stop gesture (put your hand up in front of her face as if you were saying "STOP!!)

    Put your foot on the collar so that her head is held down to the ground.  Keep her down for a minute, then say "OK!, Good Dog"  and let her get up. Praise her for being such a good dog!  Do some heeling, then put her in another long down.  Gradually increase the length of the downs till you're up to 10 minutes.

    Whenever you're having dinner or sitting and reading, put her in a long down at your side.  Keep that foot on the collar so she can't get up.  Usually the dog will fall asleep after a few minutes.  

    The long down-stay is a great way to get your dog to stop almost any annoying behavior.  By the time you let her up, she will usually go do something else.  Training also strengthens the bond between the two of you.

    Have fun!

  5. Dogs in the wild will jump up to l**k the mother's mouth--this is a prompt to get the mother to regurgitate the food they just caught, for the pups to eat.   Wild and domestic dogs will still do this --jumping up and l*****g the face--as a sign of submission or recognizing a higher ranking member.  It sounds like your dog recognizes you as a leader, and herself as a subordinate, but you'll still want to stop the behavior.  This article has some good tips, good luck:

  6. Spend less time giving him attention... it sounds harsh but make him spend some time in a different room from you. Ignore him when you first get home. This should definetly help him realize he's not the centre of the universe.

  7. Ah, these are both symptoms of a very serious disorder called: Living.

    The best way to solve this is by putting a bullet in it's head.

    The possibilities are endless, actually, so do something creative; do it for your dog.  

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