
Dog costume ideas????????????????

by  |  earlier

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I have a dachshund/english bulldog and I'm taking him to this costume contest thing and I need costume ideas he is redish brown with a white belly he's a puppy and about the size of an adult dachshund, short hair

any ideas? thx




  1. Dress him up as a hot dog. . Bun and all.


    This is my store - and I have a pretty good selection of costumes for sale.  :)

  3. Sausage dog......HOTDOG! of course, buy a couple of foam offcuts - from a foam offcuts shop and put one bit either side of him held together by red ribbon and paint a yellow and red stripe down his back. how cute!

    Just noticed union jack in your picture, if you are anywhere near, you can go to the foam shop in the north laines Brighton, right by the Regent swimming pool. Or maybe I could for you?, happy to help!

    We want pictures!

  4. Dogs don't like costumes put on them. They hate it. Be kind to your dog and stop dressing him up.

  5. umm..i dont have any good ideas right now but i will just throw them out anyway.

    dog food bowl



    make a costume that has the feet and hands in front like a human. Orrrr...dress him up as you! that would be really funny!

  6. the union jack outfit? ebays got sum cute ones!

  7. well u could have him dressed up as an angel or super man  

  8. I always found the tarantula costumes to be the best for dogs.  They're hilarious when done right.  If you think this is a neat idea, read ahead.  I wrote out a summary of how to pull it off because I'm bored.

    If you get creative, you could probably make it look more convincing.  The best way to do it is to get a black dog-sweatshirt from a pet store.  Then, use a malleable yet soft material (such as thick coated wire) to make an oval frame.  The material must be soft, or you should wrap it in extra black fabric.  You don't want to hurt the dog's spine, or even cause the smallest bit of pain.  A good cushion will prevent any fatigue/pain.

    Buy some black leggings and stuff them with cotton.  Tie them off where you would want a "joint" to be.  Make the width of the "legs" the same size as your dog's legs.  

    Make 4 of these, and string them along the wire frames (there should be 4 long frames that the legs "dangle" from)

    To be aesthetically pleasing, you can fashion something to go over the frame and make the dog's back look like a tarantula.  

    As for the abdomen of the "spider," you need something to really make the dog's rear-end balloon.  Remember, spiders have a large abdomen and dogs are rather thin overall.  You can sew a black round pillow to the back of the sweatshirt to create the "bulge"

    This can also hide the tail and make the costume look really neat.

    If you can find a black hat of some sort for the dog, glue 6 "googly-eyes" onto it in the fashion shown in the above picture.

    If you want to go REALLY in-depth, you could always create the Prosoma and Abdomen out of paper mache.  You can then attach it to the frame as a "shell."

    Well that's my idea and if you do it right it would blow them all away.  It is seemingly complex yet actually simple and the results are great if you take your time.

  9. Okay there are tons of costumes for dogs like a police man, ER doctor, even a lobstor and a dinosuar, pretty weird, but you can dress your dog what you would like. I think dogs look cute in anything, but that is my opinion.

  10. My dog won first prize for his costume, He wore a devil costume with a Chaney mask. Since Chaney is so yesterday you could substitute a McCain head for the same effect.

  11. A frog prince!

    Or a hot diggity dog! (how fitting!):

  12. My dog was elvis one year and he looked sooo cute!  

  13. Its not right to put clothes on dogs

  14. We have a pappion and we dressed him like a

  15. little devil, bat or a little vampire hehe it would be cute as a bat

  16. i always think its cute wen ppl

    dress theyre dogs as super heroes

    superman in particular

    just my opinion lol.


  17. a clown?

  18. Check this site out for ideas

    i like the hot dog idea though

  19. hot dog

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