
Dog crates/cages for cars - what size would you recommend?

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We have a border terrier who will be travelling in the car with us.

I am intending buying a cage for the car for the purpose of transporting him safely and to save my car from getting chewed!

What dimensions would be suitable (i.e length x width x height) for this breed.

He is a pup at the moment but is growing quickly. I don't want to have to buy again for adulthood so it must be right first time.

At the moment I'm considering a 24" x 18" x 20" - What do you think?

Please help




  1. Suggest you take your dog with you when you buy - he should be able to lie out and stand up so as an adult, you'd have to factor in a bit more again, to allow for his adult size.  Hopefully you won't need to buy a bigger size later on but it is possible!  A Vari-kennel (airline type) is a good idea, although so is one you can fold away - matter of choice.  If you get a metal one, do put a cover over the top and three sides, to make a den.  He'll feel more secure.

  2. hi, i always use a cage for travelling, it is so much safer for your pet. Size really depends on how big your car is and the dog, i have pasted a web link which tells you a suggustion for each size cage, hope fully this will help you . Shop  around all different prices, i found mine brand new on ebay! worth looking once you no your size.

  3. Your dog has to be able to stand up and be able to turn around in its cage/Box

  4. Good for you that you intend on keeping him in a crate during car trips - if you ever have an accident, your pet can't escape and be hurt.

    I would recommend a #200 Vari Kennel.  It can be strapped in with a seat belt.  

    The diminsions are 28"x 20.5"x 21.5".

    This is a hard sided crate that you could use inside the house, with door on or off, to give your little terrier a room of his own, as well as use if you ever need to fly with him.

  5. It depends on the size of your dog and it must be big enough for your dog to be able to move about in the cage. If you are still not sure when you go to buy the cage ask for advise from an assistant and they will be able to help you decide which size to buy. Hope this helps you.

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