Our dog is about 2 years old and has always licked the average amount of a typical dog, until recently she began l*****g her front leg. She eventually licked the spot on her so much that it left a raw spot. I took her to the vet and they claimed she had a bug bite and this was just her way of scratching it. The vet put her on an anti-biotic and fungus/germ killing topical ointment. Ever since she "got this bug bite" and licked her self raw, she seems to have developed the habit of excessive l*****g of other things now such as our carpets and floors. Other online posts have mentioned giving the dog more attention and giving them more excorise, which I have done both. Also, other posts have mentioned food allergies, but she's eaten the same food she always has before she developed this bad habit. So if it's not a bug bite, not food allergies, not lack of excorise or attention, what could be the reason for her suddenly developing this VERY bad habit?