I was wondering how many people here own or have put together a doggy first aid kit?
I pull, rehab and foster lots of sick dogs and I developed a system Mine is kinda scattered in the hall closet, kitchen, bathroom, garage and outside grooming cabinet. I am considering assembling a separate centralized kit with everything I need. What do you think? My only concern would be that I use everything so often and if I keep everything in a kit it will get scattered everywhere... How comprehensive and redundant would I need to make a separate first aid kit?
Currently my set up is:
Kitchen; typical Rx antibiotics (Baytril, Doxyciclin), tummy aids (Rx and dietary), frontline and heartguard
Bathroom; otc meds like aspirin, benadryl, flush syringes, medicated shampoos, flea dips (will soon be moving these to grooming , cabinet once I get the outside bath installed)
Hall Closet; human first aid kit, extra bandages/vet wrap, iodine, hydrocortisone spray, disposable cloth neonate diapers leashes and training stuff
Grooming cabinet; sheers, clippers and brushes
For the car I use: