
Dog food and yogurt???

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We recently acquired a pug/ min pin puppy and was told by the breeder that he was being fed his food with yogurt. We thought this was a rediculous habit to start him on. As soon as we feed him dry food or a slightly different food he goes diahrea..By different I mean minor ingredients but essentially the same rice/lamb combo. So my question is are most puppies this sensitive? And was the breeder feeding him yogurt knowing that it helped him digest his food and that he was this sensitive?




  1. Do you mean you changed the food he was being fed entirely?  Different brand?  All dogs will get diarrhea if you make an abrupt change in their food.  That's basic.  Whenever you make a change in a dog's food you make the change very gradually.  And yes, yogurt is really good for a dog's digestion.  My dog's get yogurt added to their food every day.

  2. Why is yogurt ridiculous? It's good for the stomach and helps build good bacteria, necessary for the digestion of food and a health stomach.

    Feed a good quality kibble, and give the dog yogurt, it's good for him. Changing the dry, no matter whether it's another Lamb food is going to give him diarrhea.

  3. yogurt is good for sensitive tummies, we feed our dogs yogurt when they are not feeling good and it great. i think most pups are sensitive  to some foods considering puppy food is formulated differently than adult food.

  4. In general, you don't want to go making radical changes in a dog's diet, especially a dog new to the household. So doing can cause unpleasant gastrointestinal escapades, like diarrhea.

    Most dogs are lactose intolerant, but unflavored, unsweetened yogurt is actually beneficial in many cases, especially with puppies, or breeds with delicate digestive systems - The bacteria have already pre-digested the lactose, so your dog can actually digest it. Also, the bacteria cultures will populate your dog's intestines, helping him digest his food.

  5. Any dog, especially a pup will get diarrhea from a sudden change in food. Unflavored yogurt is benefical inasmuch as it feeds good bacteria in the gut.  

  6. dairy products are bad for dogs, if you want to feed him yogurt use lactose-free yogurt if that exists.

  7. You can't suddenly change a dog's food, you have to do it gradually, a little each day, or he will get diarrhea.

    Gelen --- yoghurt, especially live culture yoghurt, is very good for dogs, my vet recommended it when one of my dogs had diarrhea.  Live culture yoghurt actually stabilizes gut microbes needed for digestion - but that doesn't mean the dog should live on yoghurt, just a little in his regular kibble.

    By the way, what kind of a "breeder" purposely breeds mutts?   You could have gotten a mix at a shelter or at least either pug or min pin rescue.

    Change over gradually, add a bit of plain, live culture yoghurt, if the dog still has diarrhea after a few days, something more is going on and he needs to be seen by the vet.

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