
Dog grooming question?

by  |  earlier

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I take my dog to the groomer regularly, but she charges quite a bit ($50+ each time) and lives far away, and isn't often available after work, so I'd like to groom him myself so he is less matted and the groomer can charge less, but my dog won't let me near him with any brush or comb, and if I manage to catch him he bites (hard). I've tried wearing oven mitts but it's just too awkward... any ideas?




  1. I wasn't going to answer this Q, because in most cases, the owner is the cause of the dog's poor behavior when being groomed, but that answer by Silver just infuriated me!  How does a groomer, who usually never sees a dog before it is SIX MONTHS old, cause a dog to act like a babbling idiot when it sees a brush?  It is the OWNER'S responsibility to train their dog to behave when being groomed.  Not some poor soul who only sees the dog a max of 6 times a year.  MAYBE if the owner had starting brushing their pup at a young age..8 weeks at the latest, it would have some idea what a brush was, and wouldn't be so matted that the groomer has no ability to prevent some discomfort to the dog just to get the mats and tangles out of the coat.  The groomer is charging the asker $50 because the dematting is time consuming and unpleasant.  Their strategy, and it is WORKING in this case, is to get the owner more active in caring for the dog.

    For the asker, buy a muzzle and USE it.  Then do not react to his attempts to bully you into not brushing him, because he CAN'T BITE YOU.  Don't react, casually keep brushing, and sooner or later, he'll give up his visciousness against the grooming process.

  2. first, talk to your grommer and see what she dose so that the dog won't attack her. see if you can do the same thing.

    Idea: Allways have a doggie brush on hand. when you two are alsone together and he is relaxing across your couch while you watch TV, slowly see how close you can get the brush to him. When you've gone as far as he will let you, STOP and try again some other time. Slowly progress to actully putting the bruch to his fur than running just along the top. as he gets more comfortable, start to brush deeper into his fur. this will take a while, for you both to grt comfortable enough. I did this with my dog, and now the thing won't stay awake long enough for me to finish!

  3. You can see if the vet will give you a mild sedative for the dog. This way you can groom them without the bites.  

  4. Groomers love it when owners want to groom there own dog you see now what the groomer goes threw and why they charge you that price. It isn't easy is it.Try getting a bath mat and putting it on your washer or dryer and have the dog on it and see if it will let you groom it and do not bath the dog if it has mat's it only makes it worse.


    Why do people always blame the Groomer when they can't brush or comb there own dog out (PLEASE) people should start as a puppy brushing and combing the pup out so groomers don't get blamed for there lack of training.

  5. well, i dont think you should use that groomer, first of all. She clearly did something to make him think that a brush or comb or grooming tool will hurt him and that he should fear them....i suggest taking him to a different groomer and asking her to show you the ropes on how to groom your dog, or there are classes, just like obedience courses, that can teach you how to groom your dog

    good luck!

    what kind of dog do you have?

  6. I totally agree with Jennifer T... a couple of additional suggestions is to keep the grooming time short in the beginning , then gradually lengthen the time on the goom table.  When you are done, give a nice juicy treat so the dog begins to associate grooming with something good.  And to begin with, if your dog is matted, cut him down and start combing him out when he is not matted.  That way, he learns you are not going to hurt him  

  7. He won't LET you muzzle him?  Who's the boss here?  And it is still the fault of the first person who owned him, his breeder, who didn't teach the second owner, and wasn't about to be available to you.  Irresponsible breeding is usually the first step to a problem dog.  

    You MUST make him allow you to do what YOU need to do, as his owner.  Might wanna start with some basic obedience training, and by demanding he respect you.  He has plenty of coat.  If he goes to bite, snatch up a hand full of it at his scruff and sternly say, "I don't THINK so, Timmy!!!"  He has any idea he can bully you, he will do exactly that.  Do NOT accept it.  Bluff him into thinking you will treat him like a pack leader would.  His pack leader would whup his snotty behind for him.
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