
Dog help please! Excessive Barking!?

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my dog barks excessively when hes out a walk even when no one is around he pulls on the lead and when i pull him back to learn him to heal he looks at me and barks into the air i used a rattle can to try and stop the barking now he doesn't listen to it anymore

he's a one year old yorkie

when we step out our front door he automatically starts barking and goes mad if we meet anyone just outside.

we just bought one of those alarms you press and gives out an ultrasonic noise you press it when he barks again he act if it isn't even there please help as no dog trainer is available in my area for up to one month.

thank you in advance




  1. A lot of your problem is the breed.

  2. I think that your dog is frightened and that's why he is barking . When he is on the lead, he feels restricted. . The rattle and the alarm will only add to his fear and I think that you should stop using them.

    You should try to find a fenced field where you can let  him have off the lead exercise and get someone to drive you there. Play with him and if possible let him play with other dogs. Afterwards he will be tired and he will walk home without pulling.  

  3. Hmmm Yorkie is one of the home dogs, maybe bad training?

    Cause it be more understandable if it were hounds barking alot, its their nature but yorkie is supposed to be quiet...

    If your dog starts to bark when u leave the house, then theres a common problem which many dogs developed in loved homes, a Departure Sickness, what this does is that the dog will bark non stop at the door after you left... for maybe half an hour...

    So all this is basically lack of proper pet training.

    I got a Basset Hound.. but my family spoilt him with Sweets and many junk food...

  4. give it a muzzle or a bullet

  5. If you just ignore him and turn your back to him whenever he barks like that he should eventually realize that he doesn't get anything out of it and hopefully stop...It worked with my dog when i had the same problem. Good luck!

  6. Every time I try to tell people how to train a dog by being firm,but not cruel, I get a million thumbs down. If you want me to tell you how the police dogs are trained for  obedience indicate on the edit section of your question or email me. All dogs have decended from the wolf and the "pack instinct" is always present. That is why all dogs,even the most docile of pets will turn into killers when and if they become part of a pack. Ask any farmer who has had sheep and other live stock killed by packs of local "pets". Their owners never accept that their little rover could do such a thing until they are shown video evidence.The point here is your dog is not accepting you a its "Pack leader". Now this is the part which sounds cruel,but it is not. The dog is testing your authority and demonstrating its non acceptance of you as "the boss" by barking. Keep the dog on a lead(which you seem to be doing) with your right hand through the loop and the strap running across your front into your left hand. This places the dog on your left. Each time the dog goes to leave the heel position pull quite firmly on the lead and say loudly,"heel,heel, the tug on the lead must coincide with the word of command. You must sound very resolute even angry. No other word, just the word of command,in this case "heel". People talk to their dogs as though they have a 1st class honours degree in English. This only confuses the animal. So, in this case, firm tug on lead accompanied by the word of command, "heel". When it barks clasp your hand around its muzzle , squeeze quite hard (not too hard) and say,"no" ,don't let go, but relax the grip for a few seconds .increase pressure and say again"no"and again and again. Release your grip and return to the walking to heel position. Each time the dog tries to go its own way repeat the aforementioned procedure. You must speak firmly and quite loudly to let the dog know you are its boss. Once you have achieved this dominant position it will be there for ever. The same rules and principles apply in the general  training of your dog. A lot of dog training is just repetitive prodedures and lots of patience. When the dog does begin to follow your instructions speak in a quieter more pleasant tone, the dog will recognise and respond to this by trying to please you. To reinforce this trend you should say good dog, good dog and generally make a fuss of it briefly by patting and stroking it.. It will soon come to look forward to being rewarded with praise rather than harsh angry sounds.Don't feel you are being cruel, the dog expects you to be in charge. If you do not assume this role it will be in charge of you,this is very dangerous, for the dog,you and the general public. Take a situation were a dog is, for whatever reason off it's lead and is about to dash across the road in front of a vehicle. A number of possibilities exist here,dog is run over and killed, vehicle swerves to avoid dog  & crashes into pedestrians with unmentionable results. Your dog should be trained so as when you shout the word of command, here it would be "down",again no other word just "down". I can have a dog sprinting full pelt across a field chasing a ball or stick and shout "down" and the it will drop to the ground and skid on the grass to a standstill and won't budge a muscle until commanded to do so. So when you hear the "holier than thou" brigade telling you that what you are doing is cruel to the dog ignor them. The dog will be a thousand times happier with a firm master and will take a definite pride in its new found skills.

  7. You say its a  young dog maybe that is the reason or ask the veterinary what he recommends sounds like a happy puppy

  8. If the whole water in a spray bottle thing doesn't work for you, because it didn't work for me, try making a really loud and obnoxious YAP sound when he starts to bark to distract him and get his mind off of what ever he's barking at.  

  9. I would use a nose harness, they go around the dogs nose so they are unable to pull, they also will stop him opening his mouth far enough to bark. After using this for a while he will have forgotten about the barking.

  10. The way I stopped my dog from barking:

    Get a spray bottle and fill it with water. Every time he/she barks, spray the water in their face. It's annoying to them and eventually they will learn that their barking is what makes you spray the water.

    Spraying water doesn't hurt them in any way, so it's not like you're torturing them.  

  11. omg yorkies are so small my sister want one.. anyways could be ghost weird but true dogs see thingswe cant see or something is wrong and needs to go to the vet..

  12. Maybe he sees ghosts. dogs can do that. weird i know

  13. take ur dog to the vet to see whats wrong with him he probably is really  jealous or  something

  14. If it is just out side the house then he is probably being teritorial.

    As you are using things to stop him barking then he is getting attention for barking, even if you are not giving possitive attention, try mixing praise, when he is not, and punish, when he is.

    xxxx hope I helped x*x

  15. Have you tried throwing him with little water? ( it might sounds cruel but no harm done) not always all rattle bottle work to train them not to bark, but water definatetly. also you can tell it NO! if he still does, then throw him bit of water he will soon to learn not to bark. its better than barking controller collar cos it shocks dogs with that collar. using water is completely free

  16. well if he starts to bark yell at him NO and tap him on the nose. if he still does it tap a little harder. this should work for it worked on my dog.

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