
Dog house - bendy wood?

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Hey guys,

For my gcse i am making a dog house, does any one have any cool ideas?

Other than MDF/PLYWOOD what other wood can be bent and what is it called when its already bent?




  1. If your looking at making it with a particular shape in mind which means you need to bend and mold it then you could laminate several pieces of wood together into the shape you want.

    Use thin sheets of plywood for this, you can get sheets from 1 1/2 mm thick and flexible plywood.

    You first need a form this will be the shape you want your project to look like, once you have this you can start to build up the layers of plywood to this shape.

    You will need to research glue lamination for this.

  2. A while back This Old House magazine had a issue that they had a contest of dog house builders and they built their dog houses to look like their own homes, some real nice work, I think the contest was for $5,000 prize. but the houses where really well thought out. as for materials I would use plywood also to form the shape you want. if your just doing the standard shape just use normal building materials. Good luck maybe you can post some pictures when you get done.

  3. they make a flex plywood....1/4 thick and u can make a circle with this stuff and it will not break.....we use it in arch windows..

    lic. gen. contractor

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