
Dog in Heat for First Time?

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My seven month old chihuahua went into heat about three weeks ago. She has been bleeding/spotting for 1.5 weeks to 2 weeks. Is this abnormal? Her bleeding is very light. I want her to be safe so how long should a dog be bleeding during heat untill it is considered abnormal/unsafe.

She is also acting normal/health/eating/drinking normal amount of water. She is not acting abnormal.

Thank You in Advance!!




  1. she's fine the first heat can last longer than normal so dont get worried unless she starts acting funny. if you plan to bread it would be best with a small dog like that to wait until she is 2 years old. there are less chances of complications that way

  2. haha, I have a chihuahua too. and I freaked out the first time this happened. but it's normal. my dog only spotted and it was light too. it lasted about that long. if your dog isn't finished in like 2 more weeks (so it would be a month) then take her to a vet. this is why we spayed my dog as soon as we could. it was annoying having to clean up random spots of blood. haha

  3. Generally she should be clear within 3 weeks. Then, being the responsible owner that you are, in 2 months, (giving her time to completely dry out,) HAVE HER SPAYED!

  4. They are in heat for 3 weeks. It's really a pain in the butt! Spaying will make sure she doesn't go through this torture again! It's much easier on her. Keeping her safe means spaying, because she is also producing a powerful scent that males can smell for miles! They will jump fences and do whatever they can to mate with her! It's awful!

    Add- Thanks for being responsible and spaying!

  5. Spotting usually lasts 21 days. The fertile period is between the 11th and 13th day. During that time the female will be receptive to breeding and able to conceive.

    Unless you are planning to show your chihuahua in conformation class, or are planning to breed her (you should not do this unless you have studied everything there is to know about the breed standard, your female's bloodlines and the bloodlines of the stud. You should also acquaint yourself with the potential health problems of your breed during pregnancy and delivery, and any special care the pups might need) then I agree with the other responder who said you should have her spayed. It will keep her healthier and make your life a lot simpler, since she will come into heat approximately every six months.

  6. a dog usually stays in heat 2-3 weeks some times longer but they will bleed first for about 2weeks if you dont want puppies have her spayed ... keep an eye on her and dont let her out of sight dogs can smell a female for miles away and then you will have all sorts of dogs after her so dont let her out unsupervised..... every six months twice a year

  7. A dog in heat usually has her period for 3 weeks every 4 months and you know what it feels like when you have a period, our furry friends feel some of the same symptoms. I suggest getting her spayed, its a lot cheaper then having to replace things with blood stains on them. Also spaying your furry friend will not only make her feel better but she will be more healthy and can live a longer life.

    Spaying can be expensive, I suggest the Peta Snip Van. I got my puppy spayed through them when she was 5 months old, she was small so it was about 70$ and they called to check up on her through out the week. Check it out they do an excellent job!

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