
Dog medication pill has markings of C75 .. I need to know what it is for ?

by  |  earlier

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the pill is white in color and i hope it is an antibiotic or for itching...




  1. Is it in the form of a capsule? And almost white/off-white powder inside?

    I may be wrong but C75 is Ester C. (Vitamin C)

    It helps build better bones, boosts the immune system and contributes to a healthy heart. It also helps heal wounds, strengthens blood vessels and aids eyesight. And there are those who believe it may even prevent cancer.

    I may be wrong. Sorry if so. My dogs are taking Ester C though it's not a dog medication from a Vet. It's holistic.

  2. WHy don't you call the vet and ask what it was prescribed for?  

  3. Are you using people pills for your dog or did your dog get a pill by accident?

    If he got this pill and swallowed it, get to the vet.

  4. Azor, for high blood pressure, not sure why it would be given to a dog though.

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