
Dog pee and chuck-up stains on carpet...?

by Guest59395  |  earlier

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Does anybody know a way to get dog pee or chuck-up stains out of synthetic carpet? My dog has decided it likes to pee all over our formal lounge and my parents are seriously considering getting rid of him. I would really appreciate someone's help on how to get rid of the stains. Thanks a lot.




  1. one of those vacume floor scrubber thingys. LOL idk what its called but it really works. :))

    answer please :));...

  2. Go to this website:

  3. Haha same with our dogs. We got four small ones and they go all over the place and my parents hate them, but then they love them like once a month, so we still keep them.

    For the stains... We use just some pee remover, and it worked pretty good. If the stains are clearly visible, you can try something like Oxi-clean or spot shot.

  4. Use Resolve the foaming kind.  They also have one just for pet stains.  By the way, don't you mean up-chuck?

  5. My dog pukes on our carpet all the time. I went to out local pet store and got some carpet cleaner for our little green carpet cleaner and removed both the smell of urine and the puke and the stain.

  6. Use club soda, rub gently.  

  7. go to the pet store and they have plenty of dog stain and smell removers.  You can also rent a rug shampooer from your local grocer.

  8. That happened to me 3 week ago too. Except the parents part.

    Form my personally experience you just have to take the carpet out and wash it with detergent over and over again. probably after one day do it again. I did that for about 5 or 6 times and most of it got off. You can see a faint mark only if you go really close to the carpet. Although if you have a male it would be a bit for their pee is not as acidic as females. Hope this helps

  9. :"Kids & Pets" you can get at Walmart or Target or even Amazon. Its great stuff. Even smells good and not like a cleanser. I have used it full strength and used it in a carpet cleaner. Definitely great for those odors and stains. haven't had a stain not come out yet with it, but could depend on the carpet itself.  

  10. The best stuff that i have used you can buy it at petco or petsmart called natures miracle it doesnt just get out animal stains but also wine, blood, and anything that smells. And it doesnt have a strong nasty fragrance either.

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