
Dog peeing excessively, drinking a lot, and blood in pee??

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My 2 year old Pooshon (Bichon Frise mix with Poodle) has been peeing all over the house. He was potty trained long ago and this is very abnormal for him. He seems to have no control over his peeing and when he does pee, it is in small little droplets sporadically spraying all over the floor. He has also been drinking a lot of water (more than usual) and when I looked at his p***s it seems to have blood on it (as if he has peed blood).

I've made the next available vet appointment for tomorrow morning, and I wanted to know what you guys think it could be.

Any advice/tips are appreciated!




  1. Could be anything from an infection to stones.  The vet appointment is the best idea.  None of the possibilities are treatable without a vet.

  2. Sounds like a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), or something similar.  Antibiotics and vet directions on care will help a LOT.  It'll take time.

    We just sent home a dog whom we "baby sat" for a month whom had the exact same symptoms.  Thank God for tile floors!  After a week of continuous urination, I suspected a UTI.  It took quite a while for him to recover as I think it was rather bad.

    Poor fellow.  Painful I'm sure.  Glad you're seeing the vet asap.

  3. Sounds like he has some kind of infection and needs to go see the vet.  Take a sample of his urine with you so they can check it.  Also take a stool sample just in case they ask for one.  It's probably something that can be treated with antibiotics.

  4. Vet as soon as possible.

    Could be just an infection or something serious

    Hope he's okay!

    :) <3

  5. It sounds like your dog has a UTI, a urinary tract infection. A round of antibiotics should do the trick. Be sure to visit the vet to make sure thats what it is.

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