
Dog pregnancy question about milk production?

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I have a Mastiff x Akita who is pregnant and due any day now, I was wondering if anyone can help me? She has 10 nipples but only 8 of them are producing milk, The ones that are producing the milk are very large and the 2 that arn`t are really small. Does anyone know if this means she will have no more than 8 puppies or can they have more pups than the number of nipples that produce milk. Any help with this would be grreatly appreciated. I could ask my vet as she is there in 2 days but thought someone may know, As I find in general the answers on this page are very informative. Many thanx x




  1. my dog is the same way. She has milk in her back teats and then she has some milk in the three rows above that. I wouldn't trust counting the teats for how many she'll have in a litter. Anyways, I wish you the best of luck with your dog.

  2. yes she may have more than eight puppies she could have twelve or more. The number of "spigots" have nothing to do with number of pups in a litter.

    Why have you not have her x-rayed to see how many pups to expect? This is very helpful should one or more get stuck in the birth canal. And it is very common practice.  

  3. The number of "full" nipples has nothing to do with how many pups there are.

    If you want to know how many pups to expect, take the b*tch in to the vet for an x-ray... which will tell you how many there are, what size they are (and possible need for a c-section if there is only one or two REALLY big pups) and how calcified they are (which will allow a good vet to tell you when to expect them to arrive).

  4. its not a problem,once the pups are born and on the teat they will start producing milk.and no each nipple doesn't mean how many pups she having,she may be a big dog and only have 2 pups.

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