
Dog raw feeding. ¿fish?

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tell me something about fish.

i am feeding raw my pitbull.. but i dont know if i can doit with fish.




  1. Your questions is really hard to you mean you want to feed your dog raw fish?

    Don't feed dogs fish.Fish bones can get stick in their throats and can cause problems.

    Stick to dog food.

  2. Yes you can feed fish, there is one type of fish you want to stay away from though, and I can never remember the name simply because I've never seen it my area.

    My own raw fed dogs get catfish and whole tilapia every now and then.

    If you're catching your own fish for your dog you may want to check with your local fish and game services about mercury levels in the local fish.

    Of course be sure you are feeding plenty of variety of other meats as well.

  3. I feed my 2 pits a raw food diet and I give them whole raw fish all the time. The only fish you shouldnt feed is salmon is destroys Vit A. Some dogs dont like fish at first but be patient, try cutting it up.

  4. My dog and cats get whole raw fish, sometimes tinned tuna and sardines and occasionally some raw marinara mix as a treat (salmon, white fish, prawns, squid, mussels etc).

    In Australia most of our meat is grass fed so the need to supplement omega 3 (found in fish oils) is not as necessary as other countries with grain fed meats.  I only feed it once or twice a month.

  5. First of all, don't listen to uneducated people who tell you that dogs can't eat raw fish or fish bones.  

    They can.  In fact, if you are feeding your dog raw, you should be feeding a meal of raw fish (with bones) once a week.  If not, substitute with fish oil capsules.  

    My raw fed Pit Bull, Pit Bull x and Boston Terrier all eat raw fish.  The best way is to get the whole fish.  Dogs will eat the head, bones, tail, name it, the whole fish is gone.  There is better nutrition in that fish head than there is in commercial dog food!  

    If you are really worried about it, start by chopping the fish up.  Perhaps even mulch it through a food processor, but I recommend not pureeing it, leave it a little bit chunky.  

    Your raw fed dog will eat practically anything.  Even things that people think are gross, like chicken feet, eyes, skulls, rib bones.  Raw green tripe.  Pig feet, you name it, they'll eat it.  

    Check out the raw feeding yahoo groups.  The people there will answer any questions and they have the knowledge to put your mind at ease.

    Good luck, your dog will be healthier and happier than ever before!!!

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