
Dog scared to go out to potty all of a sudden...?

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My friend has had a rescue for about a month. They have a doggy door, which he seemingly uses during the day (as does their other dog). For the past week the dog has been going to the bathroom inside during the night and early in the am when they are getting ready for work. I told her I think something spooked him in the dog run (I can't think of any other reason he's all of a sudden put off when it's dark).

She's started taking him out to the dog run before bed and first thing in the morning...bringing treats along...and praising after he goes.

Any other suggestions for associating the dog run with positive experiences again?




  1. Something obviously happened out their to frighten the dog.

    I would go out with it consistently for a while then try the dog run again and just go out to see it every half hour telling him what a good job he`s doing and building up his confidence.

    Good luck and God bless

  2. Mine *WILL NOT* go outside if it is raining, I end up putting them in the garage so they go...then I clean it up right away!

  3. The dog should not have to have free run of house at night... train to a crate or smaller room like bathroom.  Expect the dog to hold. it.  our goldens can hold it for overnight.     I have blog on housebreaking you can acces from my profile..

    good luck

    also number of respones sometimes depend on time posted and who's on.  i almost always answer housebreaking or parvo questions but sometimes it it days and it is hit and miss. keep on trying.  

  4. Make the dog run a play experience for a few weeks.  Should help him forget whatever made him fearful of it.  Go out and play ball or some other fun game the dog likes, for a few minutes a few times a day.

  5. You're correct it's definitely a fear based response from the dog.

    And her response is exactly how I would work through it if it were my dog.

    I'd have her check the area for anything unusual, the cause  of the issue could have been almost anything from another animal (skunk, raccoon, possum) to something sharp or slippery in the run... hard to tell

    Not a clue about the rain piece, could be she slipped in the run when it was raining...

    Good Luck!

  6. playing games! burying treats maybe?

    and the rain-my vizsla duchess had that issue. I would walk her to the huge evergreen we had and stand under there for 30 minutes waiting for her to do her business

  7. Rain only deters one of my dogs (he's a water fearing wussy).

    As far as being frightened in the area at which my dogs eliminate, I cannot tell you I have had experience with that, though it seems as though rewarding urination and bowel movements in the area is a good step in the right direction.  Even more so would be taking him out at dark (is it dark before she goes to bed and early in the morning??)

  8. My Dog hates the rain too.  Even if it's just wet out, like dew.  She'll walk like there is long grass or something (it's so cute!!).

    I think she's doing great.  But eventually, she'll need to "ween" him off of treats and just onto positive praise.

  9. Both of mine love to go out in the rain. Molly surprised me by loving water as much as she does.

    Does he have a toy that he likes? Maybe she could toss his favorite ball out the door and make it seem like a fun time.

    I don't know. I try to differetiate between potty time and play time, but, whatever gets him out the door saves a stain on her carpet, right?  

  10. One of my dogs, doesn't live with me, exhibits similar behavior.

    Does not have accidents in the house though.

    His (human) mom thinks he was spooked.  His dam doesn't have this problem but his sire does have some bizarre (to me) fear issues.

    Because of where she lives I tend to think his fear stems from the strange noises that he hears coming from beyond the walls of his yard. A parrot in one neighbors house, coyotes in the area, and who knows what else.

    This dog even gets a little nervous by the television.

    Since this is a recent occurance I would guess something scared the dog.

    Now I wonder if treating this could be the same as treating a dog that's frightened by storms or fireworks.

    EDIT:  Something else occured to me.

    When planning to temperament test (TT) a dog you  can prepare it for the tests by practicing with things you know might spook the dog, making it fun and reward and praise.  One of mine would wilt when a crate was dropped ringside or some similar noise.  

    Do not pacify the dog in these situations, instead you should encourage the dog to investigate.  I would say something like, 'did you hear that?!  What was it?' and he would perk up and show interest.

    And of course, my dogs will choose to hold it as opposed to going out in the rain.

  11. I think you've answered your own question, sweetie!  I do believe that your suggestion to a scenario to your friend was right on track - it's a high possibility that something could have frightened the dog making it scary for him to eliminate outside at night.  

    Yes, rain can be a factor.  I know my indoor dogs will all pile up at the door like a car wreck when I open it for them to go out - they see the rain and stop dead in their tracks!  They look up at me like "I don't think so, YOU go out in that!"

    Sorry, I forgot to add that association must be positive.  Think of it this way... *curiosity builds confidence*.  Don't forget this.  Make the dog curious of what's in there, be it a new bone, toy, treat, etc. at night.  Have your friend stay on guard for this, so that no one spooks the dog just incase.  The dog will be curious, naturally a dog will seek out what peaks his/her curiosity, heading out and building confidence.  Therefore, rectifying it's fear of what's out there - hopefully!

    I've had many fearful rescue dogs, and this motto *curiosity builds confidence* works in most of the rehab sessions for the dogs.

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