
Dog smell next door, what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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My next door neighbour breeds a lot of dogs, he only comes back once a day in the morning, sometimes afternoon to clean it up.

During after clean up, after few hours later, the smell starts again.

I reported to the health authority, not only me, next 2 doors away from me also complained about it. The health authority still can't do anything about it. The daily product smells bad. what should i do?




  1. If you live in a city I would say that the ASPCA should be involved as well as checking out your towns by laws as to how many dogs can be kept in or on the property most cities have laws controlling this.

    You say the owner comes home once a day to clean up so the ASPCA may not get involved as long as they are in a clean environment and have water and food but check anyway.

    Now outside the city if you reside in a rural area most bets are off. Mind you just as living in a city if he is a breeder and has x amount of dogs he should have a kennel license.

    All I can say is know the by laws regarding this for your area.

    Good luck and god bless

  2. Air freshener of course, spray. Put it all over your house, it wont smell , other tell him or her pretend that you are going to call the police, Air freshener spray is better

  3. Contact your local council, along with the environmental health department, and, from what you have said, I think that maybe you should contact the RSPCA too.

    Basically, it sounds like might want to report him to Customs and Excise too....if he is making money from the puppy trade, you can almost guarantee he's not declaring his earnings!!

    Do absolutely everything you can....even contact your local M.P....not only for your sake, but for the sake of these animals too.


    The local authorities have no right to disclose the identity of the complainant due to data protection. You have the right to remain annonymous. Speak to your M.P.

  4. Do the animals looked well cared for? Are they in the yard? or in kennels? are they clean? Do they get to come out for a walk?

    Dog p**p stinks but if you and your neighbors smell it maybe it's not being cleaned up well- meaning hosing off everything and making sure the dogs don't have it all over them too- If the Health Authority can't do anything about it- maybe the ASPCA could, it may be Animal Cruelty...if someone breeds dogs they need to be there to keep them safe and healthy, not just come home once a day to scoop p**p...

  5. Continue to call the health department as well as animal control.

  6. Call animal control and shut down this puppy mill.

  7. Call the ASPCA & keep complaining to the health dept.

  8. Call the authorities right away

  9. If you are in the UK (which I think you are not?) breeders need a licence these days.  So you can go straight to the authorities (Local Council) on that score alone.  Much as again, I say I don't have much time for the RSPCA, this is also an organization you should def. be contacting on the basis of the apparent living conditions here.   And I can't think it's much different Stateside!

    Bottom line, not only for yourself, nobody/animal should live in the conditions you are describing!!  Get onto it.

  10. Have ask the homeowners association for help?

  11. call animal control!~!!!!!!! now!!!!!!!

  12. I don’t see a way out for you. I really don’t if the health authority isn’t doing any thing.

    Maybe the neighbourhood should gang-up on the owner and get a list of signatures, you know a petition then bring it to (I’m not sure because you might have a different systems to us in England) if you do live in England or wherever then bring it to the council or the mayor :D too extreme?

  13. n where you live I would phone the SPCA or RSPCA because not only is that not environmentnviroment for you to live in it's probably not a healthy enviroment for the dogs to live in, they also won't give your name to the owner). I would also call the council and ask them for advice and what are your next actions. Keep note of times when he comes back and give them to the rspca and tell them when the smell is at it's strongest. The more evidence you have against this neightbour the better as this classed classsed as animal cruelty depending on what the situation is like to live in for the animals.  

  14. Go on line and print out information on a wonderful product called "Diatomaceous Earth",it is a cost efficient dried powder that will not harm animals but will kill fleas & flys,c**k roaches and spiders also keeps pond water nice and clean.If he spreads this around where the dogs p**p it will help dry it to a non smelling by product that is in no way toxic to any animals or fish in the area.Its a great thing to put in your garbage cans to stop the smell as well.I would ask this man to spread this over all picked up p**p as you give him the material you have printed out.Where every he stores it if you can smell it so can the flys so his dogs need help before they get eaten alive by those pest.He can locate it at most feed stores or go on line to find a dealer in your area.Tilks Mom

  15. Call The Humane Society

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