
Dog <span title="attacts!.................................................................">attacts!....................</span> ?

by  |  earlier

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a dog attacts your dog and the owner of the other dog files a complaint.what do you say to the ranger??




  1. classic &quot;He said she said&quot; sounds like it wont  matter what you tell  the ranger. Be sure to have all his vet papers,and state registration if required along with rabies tags in case the other person reports you to animal control.

  2. nonono dont listen to that person.

    You apologize and then offer to pay the vet bills.

    Tell the ranger this has NEVER happened before and your going to make sure it never happens again.

    Assure him you&#039;ll keep your dog in a fenced area, and always on a leash. And assure him youll take him to the vet for a temperment controle shot (of course dont actually do it lol) this will insure the ranger that you are a RESPONSIBLE pet owner and not just another person teaching their dogs irresponsible commands like attack and what not.

    Just make sure the ranger sees how serious you take it.

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