
Dog spending a night ?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i got a call from my brother saying someone broke in his house, he is currently out of town for work, and his girlfriend came home and the back door was wide open, she called the cops, and the cops found a T.V. and her laptop on the side of the house, they got away with two books of checks and an ipod. i think she came home when they were still there and they ran. anyways cops said this is the 3rd time this week in their area, shes home alone and shes scared, her mom went over and brought their 2 Golden Retrievers to stay in the back yard, then she asked if i would bring one of my Pit Bulls over to stay in the house with her. my dog is great with people and dogs, but when shes in my backyard she will bark if someones walking around our house... shes been to my brothers house but only outside, never inside.. what i want to know is if someone was to try to go back in would she protect them like she does me?she knows my brothers girlfriend, but i dont know if it would make a difference because its not her house. in my gut , i seriously think she would still be protective of her,if someone was to try to do something but just want any opinions on what you think? i tried to give her one of my guns but she dont like them and just wanted the Pit Bull.will she be protective even though its not her territory?




  1. I believe so...

    even though it is not her territory.

    dogs can sense when someone is threaten,

    not necessarily knowing whats going on.

    but could sense the fear from your brothers girlfriend.

    and the vibes from the intruders.

    I think that is a great idea....

    Good Luck.

    I wish you all a safe and happy night :]


  2. I think it's in her dna....she probably would

  3. I don't think anyone can really answer this with confidence. If you were to stay with your dog, yes she'd be very protective, but because dogs are tied to people not places or things I don't know what she would do. This woman needs to get her own dog and if she doesn't feel safe alone have her mom stay until your brother gets home. If her mothers dogs are in the yard,I don't think it would be wise to introduce a strange dog (yours) to the mix. Your dog will feel abandoned and probably make so much noise that it could create problems for them with animal control.

    I just read your additional notes, as long as you are there, there shouldn't be any problem. Keep the dog with you in the house at night.  

  4. I believe she would be protective of her I let mine stay with a friend once and they were great they growled at some man that kept knocking on the door at night when someone rattled the door my male (schutzhund trained) went through the dog door and bit the guy. Turns out he was wanted for rape in another county my dog probably saved her life.

  5. I would be too worried they would still my dog to be honest.

    Do not let your dog stay there but have your brother install CCTV and other home safety devices  to relay on instead.  

  6. It is very possible that the dog would protect. It would have to know its surrounding and understand that this is where it has to work. Unfortunately, you may have to stay at the girlfriends house for the dog to be comfortable.

    It is also possible it will choose not to protect. All depending on how it feels and thinks about the place.  

  7. I would say she would protect it the same way. My dogs protect any yard/house they are in, and honestly, if I was a thief and saw a pittie (no matter how cute and sweet they are) you can believe I'm not going to continue raiding that house.

    I would, however, be a little weary of leaving her there alone. If these thugs come back they may come back armed, and I'd feel uncomfortable leaving her there with a possibility of her getting injured.  

  8. I would not put your dog in this situation if i were you. even if they are your family --your dog's responses are unknown at that point in the worst case scenario.  What if an intruder shows up and your dog is doing the guard thing?  What if your dog reacts in a different way than when you are around?  Protect your dog.  Tell your prospective sister in law to invest in a taser.  Pits always get the raw end of the deal in stuff like this-- too many stories of dogs protecting their OWN property getting shot(other breeds as well)-- unless you are going to be there as well, i say keep baby at home.  And she is gorgeous by the way!!(if that is her.. i should say)

  9. YES> she will still be protective... they can sense emotion.. if she feels like your brothers girlfriend is in danger she will jump into defense mode. its just their nature,that's the good thing about pits that are trained correctly, they would lose their life for you because your the person that gives them life. I would say bring her over.. Golden's aren't known for their protective skills lol... they may l**k to death but, your girl will sense the fear of your brothers girl friend and remain in protection mode until she feels necessary.

  10. well, usually dogs are very protective of what they consider to be "their" territory because they are familiar with it and know that's their home. i don't know if they would react the same in less familiar surroundings, especially with other dogs there (the whole alpha dog issue). i don't know your situation, i think you mentioned having a daughter, but if you also stayed over then your dog would definately be in watch-dog mode to protect you. then maybe in a few days she will get acclamated to the new surroundings and it won't be necessary for you to be there anymore.

    this is all just my educated guess from my observations with my own pets....hopefully it helps a little. :)
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