
Dog stomach feels a little bigger than usual?

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My just recently spayed yorkie (about 2 months ago) had not been feeling well last week. She ate a small raw piece of bacon and hamburg. She had diarrhea with a bit of mucus and blood in it.Other than that, she was happy and active. I put here on a bland diet of rice and chicken. She has been on that for about 4days now and the diarrhea has stopped and there has been no blood , although the mucus is still there. Yesterday I notice that she felt a tad hard in the rib area. Her lower stomach gives and is not sticking out. She is still active, eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom fine. Should I be overly concerned with her stomach?




  1. I would get her into the vet just to be absolutely certain she is OK!

  2. She may have worms. I know that pooint mucous is a symptom.

  3. GET TO  VET and REMEMBER< every sickness or disease starts unoticable and b4 u know it the child or animal with the disease it GONE! so get it to a vet, and it might only be a fat tuor, which my dog has but shes fat so, but shes perfectly fine, but still GO GO GO!!!

  4. Absolutely - anything that produces gas in a dog's GI tract is cause for concern, as it can cause bloat - which is DEADLY...

    If you have ANY doubt at all as to whether your dog's stomach is filing with gas, get her to the vet IMMEDIATELY.  Be aware of the signs of bloat, and if she looks like she's blowing up, make a mad dash for the clinic - bloat can kill a dog within a hour or less, and is excruciating.

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