
Dog survery, Pugs or Puggles?

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I'm taking a survey on if people like Pugs or Puggles better. Puggles or Pugs?




  1. I just got a puggle :) hes the sweetest thing in the world (and not quite so dorky looking as pugs). The only downside is that he has a lot of energy. So if you want a pup full of spirit go for the puggle, otherwise try the pug.

  2. Not a *huge* fan of Pugs, but Pugs.

    I love mutts, I really do, but must you call them by a "cutsey" name? They are a Pug/Beagle mix, calling them "Puggles" just makes them more popular to be bred.

  3. definately pugs

  4. Duh the real breed - Pugs. I am not a pug person but I will take the purebred breathing problems and wicked gas over a mutt.

  5. I'm not really a small dog sort of person but, I'll go with Pug here because a Puggle isn't really a breed.  It's simply a very overpriced mutt.

  6. "Puggles" is just like "Bradgelina" its a fad name. If your looking for a pure breed, Pug is the way to go, I myself am a pure Pug person. Puggles yet very cute and fun are like others say a "mutt."


  7. For me Pugs are more desirable because Puggles may come equipped with all of the health problems associated with both Pugs and Beagles.  Puggles are cute though.  Good luck.    

  8. I dont really like either myself.. I dont hate them, but not my choice of dog...  but if I had to choose one...

    well, depends, am I buying from a breeder or adoption?

    If Im buying from a breeder, I'll take a pug, since it is an established purebred dog..  I would never support an irresponsible breeder who purposly breeds mutts.

    If Im adopting from a shelter or rescue.. I guess it depends on which one has a personality that best fits my household.  The "puggle" could favor either the pug or the beagle.  I do see more "puggles" in the shelter.

  9. puggle

  10. Pugs,

    Puggles are not a breed, they are a mutt. People who mix two dog breeds just to make money because people are into fads sadden me. So what if they are cute. There are too many unwanted dogs in this country. How about adopting a cute mutt from the pound. True dog breeders do not make money off their dogs. They do it because they love the breed and want to enhance it's quality.


    What kind of idiot mixes a dog that lives by it's nose with a dog known for it's breathing problems?

    I can't imagine degrading a Pug to a Beagle.

    Or a Beagle to a Pug.

    N S:

    Pugs are one of the MOST hyper dog breeds. You're very wrong about getting a Pug if you think they're low energy.


    Puggles are NOT any healthier than a Pug. If you buy a Pug from a *good*, *reputable* breeder their health problems will be slim to none.


    I can't believe people are so stupid.

    Puggles are probably the *worst* combo of mutt on the PLANET.

    People are *so* misinformed.

  12. Puggles because they are healthier

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