
Dog survey. Can answer if you like.?

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1) What breed is your dog(s)?

2) What is your dog's favorite hobby?

3) Does your dog have a nick name?

4) Who is your dog's best friend?

5) What is your dog's favorite sport?

6) What is his/her favortie food?

7) Does your dog prefer grass or a walkway?

8) Is your dog dependant or independant?

9) Does your dog prefer your bed or his bed?

10) Do you sneak your dog table scraps?

11) How did you get your dog(s)?

12) Who or what did you name your dog after?

13) Did your dog attend a puppy class?

14) How did your dog(s) react when you first brought him home?

15) How much did you pay for your dog(s)?

16) If your dog was majorly ill, how much money are you willing to spend?

17) Do you think the people you got your dog(s) from was responsible?

18) What role would your dog(s) play in if he/she was in a movie?

19) What celebrity would your dog(s) relate to?

20) If your dog(s) was really a person what would you think he/she would look like? Details.




  1. 1) What breed is your dog(s)?


    2) What is your dog's favorite hobby?

    They Love laying around hehe...

    3) Does your dog have a nick name?

    I call all 3 of them my little cuties!

    4) Who is your dog's best friend?

    Me,me,me :D

    5) What is your dog's favorite sport?

    The Pom-chasing things

    The Chi-Fetch

    The JRT-Kisses? can that be a sport?

    6) What is his/her favorite food?

    The Pom-Anything

    The Chi- Chicken

    The JRT- Hot Dogs

    7) Does your dog prefer grass or a walkway?


    Id say Walkway.

    8) Is your dog Dependant or independent?


    9) Does your dog prefer your bed or his bed?

    Chi-My bed.

    Pom-his bed.


    10) Do you sneak your dog table scraps?


    11) How did you get your dog(s)?

    All rescues

    12) Who or what did you name your dog after?

    After looks,

    13) Did your dog attend a puppy class?

    Nope none of them.

    14) How did your dog(s) react when you first brought him home?

    Pom-No emotion.

    Chi-all he did was play!

    JRT- sleep and bottle feed.

    15) How much did you pay for your dog(s)?

    The Pom-0$

    The Chi-0$

    The JRT-20$ again all rescues.

    16) If your dog was majorly ill, how much money are you willing to spend?

    as much as needed.

    17) Do you think the people you got your dog(s) from was responsible?

    I got them from shelters from abusive homes.

    18) What role would your dog(s) play in if he/she was in a movie?

    The Pom-The fat guy.

    The chi-The lover bird.

    The JRT- the bully.

    19) What celebrity would your dog(s) relate to?

    The Pom-???

    The chi-gorge clooney

    The JRT- Britney spears.

    20) If your dog(s) was really a person what would you think he/she would look like? Details.

    The Pom-A fat man.

    The chi- a charming heartthrob.

    The JRT- a beautiful woman with a major additude!

  2. 1) Golden Ret.

    2) Eating

    3) Ind ( His name is Indy)

    4) My 6month old girl

    5) What ever includes a ball!!

    6) What ever goes into his dish

    7) Grass

    8) Independent but loves to be with me

    9) He sleeps on the coldest part of the floor

    10) Not if I can help it

    11) A breeder that I have shown with for a few years

    12) He is named after the hotel which he was made in ( Holiday Inn)

    13) No

    14) Great...2 pee's inside in 3 years

    15) $1200

    16) what ever I had in the bank and what ever the bank would give me.....what ever I had to pay!!!!

    17) Very

    18) Best friend to anyone and everyone

    19) no clue (a very happy one?)

    20) Prefect!!! There are no details to that....Just Prefect!!!

  3. 1) What breed is your dog(s)?

    Doberman Pinscher

    2) What is your dog's favorite hobby?

    fetch, tug of war, and cuddle with me in my bed  

    3) Does your dog have a nick name?


    4) Who is your dog's best friend?

    i am

    5) What is your dog's favorite sport?

    schutzhund, agility

    6) What is his/her favorite food?

    Nutro  Max

    7) Does your dog prefer grass or a walkway?


    8) Is your dog dependant or independant?


    9) Does your dog prefer your bed or his bed?

    both he loves to cuddle so he sleeps with me a lot

    10) Do you sneak your dog table scraps?


    11) How did you get your dog(s)?

    birthday gift he was given to me at 7 months old

    12) Who or what did you name your dog after?

    A bank

    13) Did your dog attend a puppy class?


    14) How did your dog(s) react when you first brought him home?

    curious and shy but withing hours love everywhere

    15) How much did you pay for your dog(s)?


    16) If your dog was majorly ill, how much money are you willing to spend?

    everything i own and my soul to the devil!

    17) Do you think the people you got your dog(s) from was responsible?

    yes very responsible  

    18) What role would your dog(s) play in if he/she was in a movie?

    the hero, police, law breaker  

    19) What celebrity would your dog(s) relate to?

    none no celebrity is s**y enoghf

    20) If your dog(s) was really a person what would you think he/she would look like? Details.

    a male striper lol

  4. 1 bullmastiffs

    2 eating random things in the yard

    3 yes, too many to mention

    4 each other

    5 wrestling

    6 apples

    7 walkway

    8 dependent

    9 their own bed

    10 never

    11 breeders

    12 Just came up with them

    13 yes

    14 they were fine

    15 a bunch

    16 I'd spend every penny

    17 yes

    18 one would be a strong sweet lead actor, the other is the viliant

    19 lindsey lohan and mandy moore

    20 beautiful with attitude

  5. 1. miniature pinscher

    2. chasing anything and eating fluff

    3. peanut

    4. my parent's great dane, Daisy

    5. running, and chasing

    6. fluff, hair, and human food

    7. grass

    8. independent

    9. my bed

    10. all the time

    11. I bought her from a breeder

    12. Peanut Butter Cup is her name, so you guess what's she's named after :)

    13. no

    14. she played with my moms min pin


    16. any amount

    17. yes, very responsible

    18. the star of the film

    19. don't know

    20. she would be a very beautiful and very stupid model

  6. 1. English springer

    2. Bird hunting

    3. "Houdini"

    4. Hazel

    5. Fetch

    6. Everything he's a springer after all

    7. Grass that's where the birds are

    8. Both

    9. mine of course

    10. no sneaking he does get table food

    11. animal shelter

    12. Isaac Newton

    13. He taught the class (I teach classes)

    14.Concerned about the new environment

    15. $50

    16. It would depend on the diagnosis and prognosis

    17. Not sure where he came from as he was a well trained stray

    18. Hero

    19. Jim Cary

    20. He would be very athletic

  7. 1) What breed is your dog(s)?

    French Bulldog

    2) What is your dog's favorite hobby?

    Getting Petted (all the time), sleeping, riding in the car, and supervising

    3) Does your dog have a nick name?

    Stinky...but not all the time!

    4) Who is your dog's best friend?


    5) What is your dog's favorite sport?

    Being a couch potato

    6) What is his/her favortie food?

    ANYthing...she will eat anything!

    7) Does your dog prefer grass or a walkway?

    walkway...but she has to use grass

    8) Is your dog dependant or independant?


    9) Does your dog prefer your bed or his bed?


    10) Do you sneak your dog table scraps?


    11) How did you get your dog(s)?

    Petfinder, drove to SC from GA to get her

    12) Who or what did you name your dog after?

    She was already named and I liked it so it stayed

    13) Did your dog attend a puppy class?

    ??I don't know

    14) How did your dog(s) react when you first brought him home?

    Lunged at our other dog and tried to bite her in the face

    15) How much did you pay for your dog(s)?


    16) If your dog was majorly ill, how much money are you willing to spend?

    As much as I could afford...meaning, I would put it on the CC.

    17) Do you think the people you got your dog(s) from was responsible?


    18) What role would your dog(s) play in if he/she was in a movie?

    A prissy model!

    19) What celebrity would your dog(s) relate to?


    20) If your dog(s) was really a person what would you think he/she would look like? Details.

    Rhianna...because of the expressive eyes and cute face.

  8. 1) Labrador Retriever (Black, Field Type)

    2) Swimming

    3) Monkey

    4) My roommates dog

    5) The five pillows on my bed

    6) Frozen plain yogurt with carrots in a kong

    7) anywhere outside!

    8) He tries to be indepedent but he always comes running back for       help

    9)My bed during the day, his bed at night

    10) He gets some things, we are very careful though as I feed him a very high quality food and he has food allergies.

    11) I was raising him for a service dog school. He failed the program, I kept him.

    12) The service dog school named him.

    13) He went to an entire years-worth of obedience classes through the service dog school

    14) He slept a lot

    15) I raised him for a year with the expectation I would have to give him up so he could go out and work

    16) This dog is my life, he is worth every penny.

    17) yes

    18) A goofball

    19) no clue

    20) I never really thought about that, I don't know

  9. 1 standard poodle (the big kind)

    2 following me around

    3 Dilly Bar (his name is Dillon)

    4 me

    5 chasing my cat (the cat likes this game too, sometimes they switch!)

    6 Pet Promis--no byproducts, artificial anythings, and all organic

    7 grass if its dry, sidewalk if the grass is wet

    8 dependent, he cries whenever i'm not around

    9 he's not allowed in my bed

    10 nope, but i do give him raw carrots (it brushes their teeth)

    11 from a well-researched and reputable breeder

    12 a sheperd named Mr. Dillon in stephen king's "from a buick 8"

    13 no, i do all my own training

    14 love at first sight--he's been my shadow ever since i met him

    15 $325.  i'm on a tight budget, but the breeder was incredibly generous.  i waited 3 years for a poodle, and i'd still be waiting if she hadn't decided i was the perfect mom for her favorite pup.  :)

    16 i'd sell my car to save the dog

    17 see number 11

    18 hmm... i really don't know

    19 maybe elijah wood?  he kinda has that fawning puppy thing goin on

    20 gorgeous, but with a large nose.  he'd be very tall, at least 6'4, and blonde.  well muscled, but lean, and very graceful.

  10. 1) What breed is your dog(s)?

    Boxer and GSD

    2) What is your dog's favorite hobby?

    Tracking and bitting thee bad guy

    3) Does your dog have a nick name?

    Noodle GSD--- Poopchen boxer

    4) Who is your dog's best friend?

    Bella another boxer

    5) What is your dog's favorite sport?

    Protection and swimming

    6) What is his/her favortie food?


    7) Does your dog prefer grass or a walkway?

    does not matter

    8) Is your dog dependant or independant?

    both independant

    9) Does your dog prefer your bed or his bed?

    mine I love to cuddle

    10) Do you sneak your dog table scraps?

    Do not have to sneek but rules apply like wait until I am 100% done eating.

    11) How did you get your dog(s)?

    bought them both

    12) Who or what did you name your dog after?

    Does not apply

    13) Did your dog attend a puppy class?

    I am a dog trainer so of course my dogs attend 5 days a week of puppy classes

    14) How did your dog(s) react when you first brought him home?

    GSD was insecure and barked her head off at everything. Boxer had normal reaction.

    15) How much did you pay for your dog(s)?

    450 euros GSD 1200 dollar boxer

    16) If your dog was majorly ill, how much money are you willing to spend? It is not money but quality of like after the illness.

    17) Do you think the people you got your dog(s) from was responsible?

    Yes both breeders were.

    18) What role would your dog(s) play in if he/she was in a movie?

    GSD lassie, Boxer clown.

    19) What celebrity would your dog(s) relate to?

    Boxer Vinn diesel, GSD some one neorotic

    20) If your dog(s) was really a person what would you think he/she would look like? Details.


  11. 1. Chesapeake Bay Retriever

    2. CHEWING! haha!

    3. Bogey, Brog, B

    4. Me, his brother Jake the lab, and the cat. He loves the cat (the cat doesn't like him so much though.)

    5. Retrieving and swimming-preferably both at the same time.

    6. Raw meaty bones! Loves loves loves them. But, anything stinky and nasty will do as well-dead animals on our hikes, dead fish on the beach, other dogs' poo...blech.

    7. grass

    8. Very independent

    9. His bed. He knows he is not welcome on mine!

    10. No way-thats MY food.

    11. A reputable breeder whom I did tons of research on before buying.

    12. Brogan-an Irish name meaning "strong and sturdy"

    13. Both my dog AND I attended puppy class =] (and honestly I think I enjoyed it even more than he did haha)

    14. Oh I do feel terrible bringing puppies home-taking them away from everything they know and their family ahhh the thought of it KILLS me! But he was great-he sniffed everything, tried to pee in the house a few times...chased the cat a little..

    15. Somewhere between $2.00 and $1,000,000,000, and less than he is worth to me =]

    16. As much as I need to in order for him to be well again

    17. Absolutely!

    18. Hmmm...probably the person stuck trying to figure out whether to be on the "good" side or the "evil" side haha

    19. Cillian Murphy

    20. I have no idea but he'd probably be gorgeous =]

  12. Dog survey. Can answer if you like.?

    1) What breed is your dog(s)?


    2) What is your dog's favorite hobby?

    Kaylie likes sleeping

    Bruno likes laying on my lap

    3) Does your dog have a nick name?

    Kaylie and bruno

    Brunos name is brutis

    4) Who is your dog's best friend?

    Each other and bruno likes me and kaylie likes my husband

    5) What is your dog's favorite sport?

    Kaylie likes fetch Bruno dont play

    6) What is his/her favortie food?

    Bruno loves gravy train and kaylie likes moist and meaty But I only give that as treats

    7) Does your dog prefer grass or a walkway?


    8) Is your dog dependant or independant?


    9) Does your dog prefer your bed or his bed?

    My bed

    10) Do you sneak your dog table scraps?


    11) How did you get your dog(s)?

    I adopted bruno and took kaylie in

    12) Who or what did you name your dog after?

    They already had their names

    13) Did your dog attend a puppy class?

    Not that I know of

    14) How did your dog(s) react when you first brought him home?

    Kaylie groweled at the bunnies and bruno

    15) How much did you pay for your dog(s)?

    Bruno was 100 and kaylie was free

    16) If your dog was majorly ill, how much money are you willing to spend?

    My dogs health is priceless theres no limit!

    17) Do you think the people you got your dog(s) from was responsible?


    18) What role would your dog(s) play in if he/she was in a movie?

    A spoiled pet

    19) What celebrity would your dog(s) relate to?

    Paris hilton

    20) If your dog(s) was really a person what would you think he/she would look like? Details.

    Kaylie would look like queen latifa and bruno would look like Brad Pitt

  13. 1) What breed is your dog(s)?         American Pitt Bull Terrier ( red nose)


    2) What is your dog's favorite hobby?     Frisbee

    3) Does your dog have a nick name?   YES Kaynee-Poo ( Kayne)

    4) Who is your dog's best friend?     a Cat who's feelings aren't always mutual ; )

    5) What is your dog's favorite sport? Frisbee

    6) What is his/her favortie food?        Bacon Strips

    7) Does your dog prefer grass or a walkway?        Walkway    


    8)  Is your dog dependant or independant?        Both , he acts dependant at times and independant at times ( very stubborn)

    9) Does your dog prefer your bed or his bed?          Mine , but he doesn't get what he wants.

    10) Do you sneak your dog table scraps?         Nope , can put a plate of pizza on the floor and he won't touch it ... now tuna he will !!!

    11) How did you get your dog(s)?         He was dropped of at a friends front door .. and they couldn't keep him ... so I took him in.

    12) Who or what did you name your dog after?         no-1 really Kayne just sounds like a powerful name.

    13) Did your dog attend a puppy class?          No iv'e taught him everthing from house training to roll over myself .

    14) How did your dog(s) react when you first brought him home?          a lil' shy .. but it didn't take him long ....

    15) How much did you pay for your dog(s)?            nadda'

    16) If your dog was majorly ill, how much money are you willing to spend?           Every cent I had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    17) Do you think the people you got your dog(s) from was responsible?                h**l NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    18) What role would your dog(s) play in if he/she was in a movie?       THE BULLY , LOL

    19) What celebrity would your dog(s) relate to?          ANY-1 IN SCARFACE !!!!!!

    20) If your dog(s) was really a person what would you think he/she would look like? Details.        DEF'  CUT AND MUSCULAR , DARK HAIR ,  BRIGHT EYEZ , STUD ... bcuz he can be VERY STUCK UP, a jock type !!!!!!!!!!!

  14. ~ I have 14 dogs, 11 are mine, 3 are rescues that I'm foster.  I will just use one of my dogs to answer your question.

    1.  Standard Poodle

    2.  Frasier loves to retrieve and swim and retrieve in the water

    3.  Faze, Big Z and Frasier Dangerfield

    4.  Titan, my other Standard Poodle

    5.  Fetching!

    6.  He really loves his dog food, Orijen 6 Fresh Fish

    7.  Walkway, he hates wet grass and tall grass

    8.  He depends on me to tell him what to do.  He won't do much without my permission.

    9.  His bed, which is next to me

    10. No, never

    11. I rescued Frasier.  He was breeder surrender because one of his testicles did not drop.

    12. Frasier is named after the sitcom "Frasier"...ever seen it?

    13. No, I can do better training then puppy class can offer.

    14. We took a long walk around the area before coming in.  Once he came inside he laid down and let everyone smell him before finding the water bowl.

    15. I got Frasier from a rescue in West Palm Beach and paid $300.00 which included his neuter, shots and a year worth of heartgard.

    16. I would pay anything to make him healthy, there is no amount that is to much.  He is worth all I can do and I would do anything.

    17. Oh yes, it was one of the nicest, cleanest, most caring rescues I have visited.  Working in rescue myself, I'm rarely impressed but this place was amazing and in it for all the right reasons.  The breeder he came from does breed quality Standards and only white show dogs, however when a dog does not meet their requirements or in Frasier situation does not fully develop I would rather see them keep the dog then put it in rescue, however, they have been working hand in hand with this rescue and do donate a lot of money to the rescue so it is not the worse situation or breeder out there.

    18. Frasier would play a doctor or scientist.  He is very smart and has an overall "look how smart I am" way about him.

    19. Frasier would be Kelsey Grammar.  Frasier is a bit full of himself, very confident to a almost cocky personality and is very disciplined.  If Frasier was a person he would use big words and wear a suit all the time. LOL

    20. He would look like Kelsey Grammar too.  Heck why not right...

  15. 1)black lab

    2)playing tug-a-war


    4)my neighbors dog


    6)any beef


    8)both, he can be a baby sometimes

    9)his bed, not allow on my bed

    10)sometimes, when he is good

    11)a breeder

    12)Samuel L Jackson, my sister i dont know why. his name is jaxon

    13)yes, at top notch

    14)he cried on the ride home then fell asleep when we got there

    15)$800 pure breed

    16)as much as my parents can


    18)Steve Urkel, his funny

    19) Samuel L Jackson, named after


  16. 1) What breed is your dog(s)? Collie

    2) What is your dog's favorite hobby? Herding us

    3) Does your dog have a nick name? Soad

    4) Who is your dog's best friend? All of my family members

    5) What is your dog's favorite sport? chase the heels

    6) What is his/her favortie food? chicken

    7) Does your dog prefer grass or a walkway? grass

    8) Is your dog dependant or independant? a little of each

    9) Does your dog prefer your bed or his bed? the cool hard wood floor

    10) Do you sneak your dog table scraps? no

    11) How did you get your dog(s)? from someone in town

    12) Who or what did you name your dog after? Well, kind of System of a Down for my teenage son and kind of a character in a book.

    13) Did your dog attend a puppy class? she is now

    14) How did your dog(s) react when you first brought him home? mellow smelling

    15) How much did you pay for your dog(s)? enough

    16) If your dog was majorly ill, how much money are you willing to spend? don't know, a lot

    17) Do you think the people you got your dog(s) from was responsible?  not really

    18) What role would your dog(s) play in if he/she was in a movie?  Lassie

    19) What celebrity would your dog(s) relate to?  strange question with no answer

    20) If your dog(s) was really a person what would you think he/she would look like?  ditto to #19

  17. 1. Border Collie

    2. Supervising

    3. Yes

    4 .My son.They're a little street gang and from floor to knee height

    is their turf.

    5. 'Chase me.'

    6. Anything he can scrounge.

    7. Grass

    8. He thinks he's the boss.

    9. Our bed, - in the middle.

    10. We prefer to call them 'love nibbles'. He gets at least

    one from each of us at every meal.

    11. Pet shop.

    12. His markings. (Look like a tuxedo so he's Tux.)

    13. No. did it ourselves. He was very trainable.

    14. Began to explore, got lost, and cried

    15 $350.

    16 Whatever it costs.

    17. Yes

    18. The clown

    19. Anybody, he's got no standards.


  18. 1) What breed is your dog(s)?

    All are Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.

    2) What is your dog's favorite hobby?

    Mia, Chasing her tail and barking at dogs on TV

    Bailey, Sleeping on the couch and begging for cookies all day

    Sparky, Guarding the community food bowl

    Brinkley, running in the surf at the beach chasing the birds.

    Princeton, Jumping in peoples laps and shoving his face in your face

    Lady Bug, Chasing Princeton and chewing on his ears demanding all the toys he's playing with. Will bark at him until she gets the toy.  

    3) Does your dog have a nick name?

    Mia, "Meema"

    Bailey, "Bailey Boo"

    Sparky, "Sparkles", "Sparks"

    Brinkley, "Brinks"

    Princeton, "Other Brother"

    Lady Bug, "The Bug Lady"

    4) Who is your dog's best friend?

    Me of course. They are all my biggest fans.

    5) What is your dog's favorite sport?

    Running at the park off leash in a fenced in Baseball diamond.

    6) What is his/her favorite food?

    Mia, Ice and Ice cream, Avocados, Merrick dog food

    Bailey, Cookies, Dried Chicken, Steak, most table scraps, Merrick dog food

    Sparky, Cookies, Table scraps, Merrick dog food

    Brinkley, Cookies, Table Scraps, Ice, Merrick dog food

    Princeton, Cookies, Table scraps, merrick dog food

    Lady Bug, Likes anything all the other dogs are eating.  

    7) Does your dog prefer grass or a walkway?

    They like both

    8) Is your dog dependent or independent?

    All dependent, especially the boys, Brinkley, Sparky, and Princeton. Brinkley suffers from separation anxiety.

    9) Does your dog prefer your bed or his bed?

    My bed

    10) Do you sneak your dog table scraps?

    I don't sneak around i give it to them.

    11) How did you get your dog(s)?

    Mia, Bought from a Breeder

    Bailey, Was given to me by the same breeder Mia came from.

    Sparky, A customer at the pet store i work at no longer wanted him.

    Brinkley was home bred. His parents are Mia and Sparky

    Princeton, Bought from a puppy broker.

    Lady Bug came from the same breeder as Mia and Bailey. Lady Bug is Mia's half sister, Bailey's Grand-daughter, and Brinkley's Aunt.  Yet Mia and Bailey are not related.

    12) Who or what did you name your dog after?

    Princess Mia was named after the "Princess Diaries"

    Both Bailey & Sparky were already named when i got them.

    Brinkley named after the Golden Retriever from the movie "You've Got Mail".

    Princeton i wanted a name that went with Princess Mia that sounded like "Prince".

    Lady Bug's name was "Lady Valentine" because she was born on Valentines day but i changed her to "Lady Bug" because she kept eating HUGE June bugs, plus she has small spots on her back like a Lady Bug.

    13) Did your dog attend a puppy class?

    No need to have been working with dogs for over 10 years so already know how to train a dog.  

    14) How did your dog(s) react when you first brought him home?

    Princess Mia was very reserved and quiet but was playful. She was only 8 weeks old and on her first day she learned how to retrieve a ball and bring it back to me.

    Bailey latched on to me and was always my dog from day one. Has always acted as if she always lived here. she was 5 years old when i got her.

    Sparky acted as if he had always lived here. He was 2 years old when i got him.

    Brinkley was born in my living room so this has always been home for him. doesn't know any different.

    Princeton was very quiet and reserved. I put him in with Bailey and her babies and he felt at ease. He was 10 weeks old when i got him.

    Lady Bug was  shy and clingy when the previous owner handed her over. She was nervous. As soon as her previous owner left i put her on the ground and she became instant friends with all the other Cavaliers. Wagging her tail and l*****g all their faces. Began playing with Princeton and Brinkley immediately.

    15) How much did you pay for your dog(s)?

    Princess Mia, $1,800

    Bailey, Free

    Sparky, $700

    Brinkley, Free

    Princeton, $1,623

    Lady Bug $1,500

    16) If your dog was majorly ill, how much money are you willing to spend?

    Spent $1,000 to save my Boxer but she was too ill. She died shortly after. Think the dog food recall killed her. Bailey i spent close to $1,000 on treatment for a skin allergy. She somehow got a skin infection that turned into mange.

    17) Do you think the people you got your dog(s) from was responsible?

    Princess Mia, Bailey, and Lady Bug were all bred from a veterinarian.

    Sparky the previous owner i think the husband kicked around. He doesn't like some men.

    Princeton came from a puppy broker that i went to high school with.  


    18) What role would your dog(s) play in if he/she was in a movie?

    Brinkley would play an intelligent goof ball who is eager to please anyone.

    Princeton would play Dopey in Snow white. He would do great playing a dog that advertises for snausages.

    19) What celebrity would your dog(s) relate to?

    Have no clue. :(

    20) If your dog(s) was really a person what would you think he/she would look like? Details.

    Have no Clue :(

    WOW my answer is really long!

  19. 1) Mutt

    2) Chewing up my socks

    3) Yes, we call him BB sometimes

    4) Me

    5) Soccer by far, we play together, he knows how to pass and score!

    6) Roast Beef

    7) Grass

    8) dependant

    9) He prefers my bed, he sleeps there every night

    10) Yep , all the time, he enjoys beef covered in gravy the most!

    11) From an accidental litter , the people didnt want a litter of pups

    12) Bear, because when we got him he looked like a grizzly bear

    13) No, I train him myself

    14) He went straight into my room and stole my socks

    15) $800, they werent gonna sell him because he was sick, they wanted to take him to the shelter, but when I offered $800, they said ok.

    16) Id be willing to sell my house for the money to make my dog better

    17) No, they didnt get their dogs spayed and neutered in time

    18) Definatly a canine soccer star (watch out david beckham!)

    19) Beethoven, because he slobbers alot and eats alot

    20) EXTREAMELY hairy. lol.

  20. 1  Pomeranian

    2  Killing stuffed animals

    3  No

    4  A Yorkie named Eddie

    5  Agility

    6  Chicken

    7  Grass

    8  Independant

    9. My bed

    10  No

    11  Purchased her

    12  Expensive Chocolate

    13  Yes

    14  Followed me around

    15  not important

    16  It depends on my financial situation at the time

    17  Yes

    18  The Star

    19  Kathy Griffin

    20  Dark brunette thick hair, Beautiful hazel eyes, very white teeth, short, slim, very pretty.

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