
Dog trainer consultation?

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We meet with a guy from Sitmeansit on the 10th of this month. First trainer we met with from a different company, met us at a training facility of his and came alone. He watched how Max acted, paid attention to his mannerisms and took him on a leash around the field and did quite well with him. Max was obeying in no time.

Now this other guy wants to bring a dog of his for the consult. This worries me a bit? One, with Max's dog aggression. And two, I want the trainer to learn Max. And its hard to do that with another dog there I would think? I also don't want to see what his dog can do. Because I have no proof he trained that dog.

My husband wants me to ask him not to bring his dog. I am on the fence on this one. Is it a good idea or should it just be Max there, no other dog?




  1. The trainer is bringing his dog out there TO HELP YOU AND MAX - not to show off what his dog can do or get in the way. He wants to see how max reacts to his dog - so he can learn about your dog even more. He is bringing HIS dog versus a random dog because he knows he can trust his dog and knows his dogs mannerism so that he can work with max in a safe environment where he has complete control of the other dog. I honestly would trust the trainer on this one. If it turns out he brought the dog out for showing off, then ask for your money back. But i really think you and esp. your husband have the wrong idea of why he wants to bring his dog out there with you all. It really is just to help learn more about max and work on max's problems in the best, safest environment he can produce.  


    This way you can see his abilities immediately. He did train the dog, that I know!!! Let him bring it and watch how he lets the 2 dogs interact..just tell him about your dog's issues.

    I would MOST certainly want to see a dog from the trainer!!

  3. The trainer is actually doing the right thing by bringing a dog to get Max to show his aggression.  You will never be able to "train" the aggression out of Max.  You will need to learn to recognize BEFORE and incident occurs AND be able to control the situation.

    By the trainer bringing this dog, he will be able to specifically show you Max's indicators as every dog can be different.  He will also show you how to control Max so that you can feel more comfortable.

    Again, do not feel that any trainer will be able to "get rid of the aggression".  A good trainer will help you understand how to stay ahead of it and to avoid circumstances that could cause issues.

  4. What reason does the trainer give for wanting to bring his dog?

    If he wants to assess Max's aggression toward other dogs, then this is a legitimate reason (but why he would want to do that on Max's territory is another question).

    You can always ask him to leave the dog in the car until he has observed Max independently of having the other dog present. Then he can bring his dog out to observe Max's response with an unfamiliar dog.

  5. I would ask the new trainer NOT to bring his dog on the first consult. If he insists I would also ask him not  to come at all. If dog aggression is an issue the meeting up with strange dog sessions can come after the trainer has gotten to know Max.

  6. I would suggest he do it alone.  If Max is dog aggressive then A) Max may try to go after the other dog and you may be held responsible for the other dog's injuries. B) How is this guy supposed to know how Max is behaving when all Max wants to do is go after the dog. C) The guy will be paying attention to the other dog and not Max.

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