
Dog wees on the carpet at night..... help!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a bichon frise and she always wees or poos on the carpet at night. She is 3 (turning 4 in December) and knows that she is not allowed to do it. My dad went on holiday for two weeks and she only did wee'd on the carpet one night the whole time he was away.. and then when he got back she did 3 times! Does anyone know why she is doing this? My mum said it might have something to do with how my dog is wanting to compete with my dad to be the 'head of the pack' or something. Thanks!




  1. Put the Bichon in a crate. They normally don't go in the crate.

  2. Perhaps you need to take her out more often..especially before you go to bed.

    My dog started pissing on our walls.It is getting hard for him to hold his bladder more so then when he was a young lad.

  3. Our vet had us put our dog in a crate, along with a blanket at night.  The dog would not pee where she slept, so she learned to hold her pee until we woke up to take her out.  Some think this is cruel, but the dog wasn't unhappy, and there were no more pee pee accidents.

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