
Doggie help :):):):):):):)?

by  |  earlier

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My mom is allergic to dogs BUT she can handle small dogs as long as she takes an allergy pill. I need a small dog that:

Is loyal ad clingy (i like that) :)

is playful and energetic

likes kids

can be alone for 9 hours a day

does not have dander or shed

is easy to train :)

PS: i dont like bishon frise :(

What breed do you think is right for me?




  1. Shih Tzu

  2. Thats not ajoke what am i supposed to say a hairless dog that has a childs brain? just kidding but really this not a joke. my cusin has a french bulldog and shes really sweet.

  3. Boston Terrier  

  4. a poodle or something mixed with poodle that is sturdier to be around kids. poodles have real hair. they are smart so easy to train but most dogs don't want to be left at home alone for 9 hours a day... hope this helped.  

  5. Umm not a joke or riddle but I can still help. I think you're gonna have to go with the Bishon. Hey, at least you can have a dog.

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