
Doggie shampoo <span title="............................?">............................</span>

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does it really matter which kind you use? is conditioner necessary? are the prices worth it?




  1. I have never used &#039;dog&#039; shampoo.....always used baby shampoo and IF their skin is dried out, I scrub regular human conditioner into the skin/hair.   They love to be scrubbed this way as long as it is not too hard.   Make sure you rinse them out really don&#039;t want him l*****g the conditioner off.

  2. Well, it would depend on how well your dog takes to a certain kind of dog shampoo.  I would not use human shampoo or conditioner.  Dog conditioner?  I can&#039;t tell you anything about that because I&#039;ve never heard of a Dog Conditioner (not to say there isn&#039;t one).

  3. It depends on the breed of dog. There are different products for different breeds.  

  4. I used to work for a grooming place and I believe it does make a difference. We found that the Fresh N Clean brand with Arm N Hammer bakeing soda( You can buy it at Petsmart or online at Ryan&#039;s pet supplies) in it worked awesome! It smelled great for a long time, you could dilute it if you wanted and it still made them smell great. Owners would request it. As for conditioner it does help with shedding and skin conditioning but I don&#039;t think it&#039;s a must have. Depends on your dog and it&#039;s coat. I tend to mix a little bit of conditioner in with the shampoo I use.

  5. you should use the kind for dogs!

    Usually dog shampoo is all there is!

  6. It doesn&#039;t matter what type if shampoo you use but if you use one and afterwards your dog is constantly scratching change it because that will probably mean that your dog is allergic to that type.

    Conditioner is not necessary forn your dog.

    Not all shampoos are exspensive, you can get cheap ones from pet stores and yes £3 is worth it.

  7. Never use human shampoo on animals like dogs or cats. Human shampoo have different chemicals that other animals dont need. Always look for the right kind of shampoo, for example my dog is a chihuahua and he has a thin coat so I use a thin coat shampoo on him. It doesnt matter how the prices are. Never use any human liquid stuff on animals, Unless the directions says so.

  8. I don&#039;t think it matters unless your dog has sensitive skin, fleas, or is a puppy. Other then that you can just pick the one that smells the best.

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