
Dogs...can see ghosts? How can you tell?

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I heard about dogs and their ability to see ghosts/spirits.

My dog just started barking at the top of the stairs with his hair standing up on his back and he sprinted down the stairs, still barking at nothing... and earlier, I heard something, almost like someone walking, upstairs.




  1. Both dogs and cats and other animals can see as well as sense the presents of spirits... And so can some humans.... Because of their highten senses...... And because a spirits is in spirit form it has the tendecy to confuse their senses and frighten them which cause these animals to react in a multitue of ways........................

  2. That Happens a lot to me too, except in the night. There may be such things as ghosts/spirits. I remember hearing a story of when i was little I was looking out the window and I said to my mom that I saw Indians dancing in our backyard. And we do live in an area of where Indians used to roam. So I guess we'll never know but I'm guessing it could be possible.

  3. I think so.  Cats too.  You can tell by just what you mentioned here as your example.

  4. I think they can`t see them, they just feel them in the house, like a 6th sense. They can`t protect you, they just warn you.

  5. My Dad told me that when he used to manage a pub, he was eating downstairs in the restaurant attached, with the dog Reg accompanying him. According to him, Reg usually stared at him for food and drooled everywhere, but on that night Reg was just barking at the chair beside him. And he'd never done that before. It was a pretty old pub too.

  6. i dont know where it came from because dogs cant communicate BUT i could see it being true because my dog will just look at something i cant see like she looks at people and so does my baby sister and every other infant i know...maybe. ask God when He comes. (not being mean, im so serious. my grandma used to tell me that)

  7. Dogs can see and smell things that we would never be able to detect without sophisticated scientific equipment, and I don't mean ghosts. Your dog could have been smelling another dog or a wild animal or have heard something beyond the human range of hearing.

    If a dog of mine started acting like that and I was alone in the house, I might wonder if there was a (live) intruder in the house and keep the dog with me while inspecting very carefully, but if I found nothing, I certainly would not think he had detected a ghost.  


  9. Animals in general can sense things that humans can't. If your dog went nuts over what seemed to be nothing, then odds are there was something there.....or your dog is just plain crazy. I'll opt for the fact he sensed something. I lived in California for 8 years. We had many quakes and before each one all the animals in our neighborhood went crazy, barking, howling, etc. They sensed it about to happen. I had an Australian Black hooded rat that would go crazy in his cage at night. Come to find out, we had an anomaly in the house. (note: I didn't use ghost because we never got it scientifically checked out) So the fact he did that in that way tells me something happened. As to what will be a mystery until you can find something tangible as an explanation

  10. You've got mice!

    Dogs and cats and horses are the three main animals associated with the underworld and the dead.

    They've also got second sight and different senses.

    But its probably just mice!

  11. Animals do not have it drilled into their brains by society that being in tune with all of their senses is wrong (because people in general don't understand the "sixth sense"), therefore, it is more likely they (dogs, cats, birds, whatever) could see ghosts/spirits before we could.

    However, keep in mind that this one incident you refer to doesn't automatically mean your house is haunted.  Dogs have excellent hearing, so your dog could have been barking at something he heard down the road, out in the yard, or at the neighbors house.  And houses settle and make noices at times, sometimes even sounding like a person moving around.  

    You don't really have enough happening here that can't be explained by mundane means.

  12. There's not really proof against it that animals can sense spirits, so I believe it's possible.

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