i know this is a tasty treat for dogs, i have read on the internet. it suggest moving the litter box to where the dogs can't reach it. well i have a new kitty that is 6 weeks old and she can't jump that high. it mentioned something about using a baby gate to block te entrance to where the litter box is but leave a little bit up off the ground if your cat isn't comfortable make the jump if you put up on something. well that would work good if one of dogs weren't so little and more than likely could fit under it if i did that, it is a very small chihuahua, not teecup but still really little. so what can i do to get them to quit doing this, it's gross. i know there is something you can put in a dogs diet to make their p**p or others not s desirable but do they have anything for cats so the dogs won't do this? please i'm open to suggestions, thanks.