
Dogs legs getting brush burns (scabs) from carpet.?

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We just moved to a new house with a much rougher carpet than our old place. My dog developed a scab in the same place on both legs, right at the top of her two front legs. I am pretty sure it is from her playing in the house and rubbing that part of her legs on the carpet when running and diving for a toy or just playing in general. It is gettig worse and worse from continued rubbing of the sore on the carpet.

What should I do?




  1. Liquid Hot Spot Remedy



    Dab a drop of Liquid Hot Spot Remedy on your dog's hot spots and ouchies. Made with golden jojoba oil, herbal extracts, and pure essential oils.

  2. You should take her to the vet just to make sure.

    If you are 100% sure, however, I suggest hiring people to come to your house to clean the carpet. They usually steam the carpet and that should soften up your carpet - it did to mine. Otherwise, for the time being, wrap your dogs feet up where the sores are, or go buy doggy socks. In a situation like this, you should look into clothing, even if you are against it.

    In good time, after being walked on, and such, your carpet should get softer. And then you can take her socks off.

    Good luck!

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