
Dogs on New wood floors?

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How can I get my English Mastiff used to walking on our new wood floors. She WILL NOT go near them. I am starting to worry that she won't ever come in the house again, and with winter coming up I cant leave her outside all the time. I need to get her comfortable on the floors. I thought about dog shoes, but I dont think she will like those much either.




  1. Try holding a peice of meat out for your dog on the hard wood floors.

    I'm pretty sure she'll come around. Or you can try and pick her up and put her on them. She'll get used to it by that. We have hard wood floors with two dogs and 3cats. And they seem to be perfectly fine with it.  

  2. it might not be the hardness i no this sounds crasy but my nabors dog is afrade of the shine on there marbal flooring  

  3. Try this: Get some throw rugs, and put them down on the traffic path. Just for a little while until she gets a little used to the floors. Also may want to make sure that her nails are clipped so they won't tap, and if she has hair on the bottoms of her feet, you may want to have that hair clipped out as well to prevent her feet from slipping.  Hope that helps.

  4. Did you consider your pet at all before installing the floors? Most dogs have a terrible time walking on any sort of slick flooring...tile, hardwood, linoleum, etc. because their paws do not have the traction required to maintain their stability. I would try to coax her into the area using small treats and positive reinforcement, and make sure that you have had her nails trimmed. She may be afraid of the clicking sound that her nails make when she walks on the floors.  

  5. Try putting some inexpensive rug runners on the hard wood floors for her to walk on.  My older dog kept slipping around on our tile and hardwood floors and I went to Lowes and bought some inexpensive carpet runner with rubber backing to lay down for her to walk on.  It woked great and also kept the floors from being scratched up by her nails.  

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