
Dogs or cats, wich make a better pet?

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Canine v.s feline




  1. I love both but dogs are more playful.

  2. Dogs are more loyal and not mean  

  3. it totally depends on your lifestyle

  4. i got both cats are more calm unless they are kittens and dogs are more of playful ones!!!

  5. I prefer cats.    

  6. cats because

    A: less disguesting

    B: not retarded

    C: dont ram their head into your croch


  8. I love dogs.Because they born out cute and cuddly puppies.Furthermore,dogs are so good after trained.It can also help us gurad our house,if we are not at home or sleeping.  

  9. I would choose a cat here are my reasons.

    They look after theirselves you just have to feed them

    They are so cute

    Everyone I know loves cats

  10. I love Dogs!

  11. How can you ask that question when you know you will create a big screaming debate.  I have dogs, cats,horses, birds and fish.  They are all the best pets.

  12. that is hard to answer. first of all some like dogs and some like cats. there is nothing to say here. if you dont' mind changing litter boxes and stuff cats are ok but they claw unless you remove their front claws but then again its like cuttin goff their part of toes. and if you hae toy dog they are small and can be trained to potty pads which mine is. therefore not gettin him out much and hes allergic to stuff that is why i dont' take him out which do you prefer? they are both nice. some have both.

  13. I have both. It depends on you, your personality. Do you like to be active and outgoing like a dog  or do you like to be lazy and go with a flow like cat?  

  14. Dogs if yuur lookin' for a actual companion..

    But cats are more low maintenance. Just not as

    friendly or anything..

  15. DOGS for sure :)

    they are more friendly and playful for ther whole lives whereas cats are only playful when they are kittens and when they are older they tend to be more antisocial and sleep all day.

    also dogs will help u keep fit and tone up as you need to walk them :)

    whateva pet u choose make sure your treat it right

  16. It depends.  An outdoor cat is WONDERFUL--no cat litter to  scoop and no hairballs to clean up.  An indoor cat is ok, but all of the litter and accidents and marking territory (I mean spraying!) are not a lot of fun.  However, the company of a cat is dependent on it's mood, not yours.  A dog either indoor or out is good too.  They always seem happy to see you and constantly want attention.  Housebreaking can be a problem, but if you work long hours there are puppy training pads that you can use.  I don't recommend them if you are hardcore set on training your dog to go outdoors ONLY.  I know that sounds weird, but some people would rather not let their dogs outside at all.  (ie my father-in-law has five min pins that don't go outdoors at all and use the training pads).  It's great for him because of his work schedule, but when we got one of the puppies he had, she was six months old (in 2004) and still has trouble going outside to use the bathroom.  Just be sure of what you want as far as housebreaking.  I personally think that dogs make a better companion too.

  17. both are nice but dogs depend  on you more than cats since you have to take them on walks and let them out to use the restroom and play with them more than you would have to with a cat

  18. I'm curious as to what "Trevor" does about his cat's "poo" but, to answer your question, it depends on how much time you have, how much space you have, whether you like to take long walks & go to the park, among other things. To me having both would be ideal, because I love both.

  19. Dogs say, Humans, they feed us, keep us safe, take care of us, play with us, THEY must be gods. Cats say, Humans, they feed us, keep us safe, take care of us, play with us, WE must be gods :-)

  20. I've had both, I've loved both in their own ways.  If you want an animal that will always greet you with enthusiasm and come when you call, go with a dog.  If you want one that you can leave for a weekend without worrying about who's going to take them outside to pee, go with the cat.  Either way, your life will be better when shared with a pet!

  21. dogs as they are really protective on their owner, their fun to be with when your bored, fun and easy to train and yeh where as cats always climb fences and run away and always loose hairs EVERYWHERE where as u can get a dog where they dont lose hairs, and cats always scratch and are just lazy and not protective.

  22. dogs cuz they can actually do something with them and they r so cute if u have a local humane society go there tho instead of buying a dog

  23. I will echo previous responders with: it depends on you.

    Dogs are pack animals and need to be with you or another person / pet or they can develop anxiety issues.  They will bond close and most enjoy travel & outdoor activities.  Problems with chewing furniture & clothes.

    Cats are more independent and self-sustaining.  Though litterbox odors can be an issue, not to mention cat dander from grooming.  Many cats are very loving but won't become neurotic if you are gone over the weekend.  Problems with clawing / scratching if bored.

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