
Doing a dity move.. can I use my car that I am towing behind the moving truck as part of my total wieght?

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hey, im doing a dity move. already have the truck rental reservation, and im getting a trailer to pull my wifes car. the car will be completly off the ground. My question is.. does the wieght of the car count as the weight of what we are moving? Can I wiegh the truck first empty, and then wiegh it full with the car and trailer hooked up?? anyone know.???




  1. yes thats how we did it when we did our dity move.  i dont think you have to weigh it empty (usually the weight of the empty truck is on the lease)... but you do when its full.  we weighed it full and towing a car at a random station in california and they didnt make us take the trailer off.  I have heard stories from people that did have to take the trailer off before weighing.  best of luck to ya... i know the extra weight of the car is a good chunk of change

  2. Your only entitled for mileage on one car.  

  3. NO.   only household goods are weighed.  since the military does NOT pay to ship cars CONUS, you cannot weigh the car.  only cars that are DRIVEN get mileage paid.

  4. Legally, NO you can NOT include the car in the weight of your household goods. Hypothetically, you could weigh the truck empty, then weigh truck full with car on trailer. The Army will require two weight tickets, empty and full. If you use the hypothetical situation, get your weights at a truck-stop. The Army will re-reimburse the fee for weight tickets.  

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