
Doing a persuasive speech on 'Sterotypes' to the class - inapropriate?

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Lately the who social group-sterotype thing has been bothering me! I personally hate it when people label themselves or eachother they're 'emo' 'nerds' etc.

i am against the whole system of things, but its something that cannot be stopped. i wont force the world to stop sterotyping because its a stupid idea.

BUT i can tell people there is someone behind the girl with the daggy clothes and circular glasses, or the overweight kid in the english class. There is also something good about someone on the INSIDE! - basically im trying to stop people juding a book by its cover :p!

i honestly wouldn't care if people said c**p to me after i told the speech - i just want to get my word out there. Cause if they dont like me, that's fine their opinion and i have my own :p!

But the only thing that's concerning me is the amount of students that might not get my drift, or who may take it offensive etc. I wanted a topic that everyone could look into - or may deny its stupid but inside they know its true.

Do you think i could pull it off? is there anything wrong that im trying to state in this topic? What do you think the reaction of the audience might be?

P.S: im going to mention stuff about sub-cultures (e.g: goth) as well and how there is a different they are compared to sterotypes.




  1. you need to give an argument aganist the stereotypes if you had a uniform like my school has there would be less stereotyping but there is no way to stop it there will always be stereotypes clickqes ect and the audiace will proberbly be like im not making friends with those people etc give up lol go for somthing else i would  

  2. It is certainly not a topic that I would have chosen, but you seem to be all fired up about it, so that is okay.

    The secret to making a good speech is to talk about something that you are personally interested in. I thought when I read your topic cover that you were picking a high sounding moralistic subject, but you convinced me of your right to discuss it. don't worry about people taking offence. If anybody should say something, answer back turning their point into a question.

    i.e. Reply: "I take offence with what you said!"

          You:   "You took offence with what I said?"

    Then you say nothing further. Don't be drawn into an argument. It will ruin your impact. Anyway, the others are more concerned with what people are going to be thinking about them to worry about you. That's the secret of it all.  Take along an old newspaper. Roll it up prior to your talk and use it as a baton. Start your stunt:  "I hate Stereotypes!"

    WHACK! (Hit the desktop hard.)"Why?" WHACK! "I'll tell you why!" WHACK!  (Lay your paper aside now.) "Now that I have your full attention, let me point out that ----------."

    I'll be disappointed that you are not voted best talk. Don't overdo it though. You will have to talk for about two minutes. Don't worry what they will think of you. If anything, they will think you are terrific. Say your bit, shut up. Return to your place and take your paper away with you and put it in the bin. Don't worry about notes or anything. Just go and do as I have informed you. You know your talk already, get to sleep; and that will be the best thing.

    Have fun.  Cheers from Queensland

  3. well i think its a great idea,i absolutely hate stereotypes and its about time somebody made an effort to stop it or at least try.go ahead and say what you need to say.and because of stereotypes i have made myself into a person who is everything and pretty much cant be labled and i love it becuase i hang out with everyone and i have so many friends now and i love it!

  4. Good for you. Do it. What's the teacher going to do? As long as you did a good job on it!

  5. Persuasion requires presenting an argument that is well-thought-out, well worded, well structured, and convincing.

    Based on how well you formulated your lengthy question, how well you stated your argument, and how you jumped all over the place, I would say - NO, you will not be able to pull it off.

  6. i think it'll be fine, one year for public speaking competition one form did a sterotypes speech, and i think it changed a few people's opinions, but if your school's anything like mine, most of them won't listen, but a few will, and i think that's what matters.

  7. just make sure that you don't rant.  its really easy to make fun of people who rant, and they lose respect.  with this kind of topic, you need to make sure that you keep yourself in control and focused.  i like your idea, but its easy to get carried away when dealing with this subject.

  8. Do it. Anyone who thinks it is inappropriate is ignorant. It would be good for a class to learn about stereotypes. Good luck.

  9. Trying to convince kids not to label and stereotype is like convincing the Pope not to be Catholic.

    They are the ones who are the worst offenders of it, but boy do they hate it when they are labeled.

    "P.S: im going to mention stuff about sub-cultures (e.g: goth) as well and how there is a different they are compared to sterotypes"

    Well then you'd be playing into stereotyping even more. Sub-sterotypes and still steroetypes.

    It's probably to late now, since you procrastinated and the speech is due in 8 hours, but sadly I think you're wasting your breath telling kids this stuff, even though you're right.

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