
Doing acid 7 times or more make you legally insane?

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I've heard this since I was a little kid. I was wondering if there is any truth to it? I imagine it can't be good for you, but I think we all know people who have done acid more than 7 times and they seem to be normal.




  1. Not a chance!

    Tons of people I'm sure have done acid 7 times in a week and gone on to become like doctors or lawyers and that sort of thing.  But it really depends on the person and the dose.

    Man my cousin was on acid for two weeks straight and he seems normal.  That was a couple years ago and it didnt do him any harm as far as we can tell.

    But my dads best friend in HS did one hit and is friggin retarted now, we see him hobbling around town from time to time, he lost mad motor skill and can barely communicate with other people, when he's not busy talking to himself.

    So no.  doing acid 7 times will not make you legally insane.  Where do people come up with this stuff?

  2. Eh... I wouldn't say "legally insane" but it's definitely gonna change you, whether it's for the better or worse. I don't even understand people that trip a lot, I've done it like twice and that was enough for me for atleast a few months, it's really intense, I'd rather just smoke weed for the most part and have anything else just be a treat every once in a while.

  3. No but I wouldn't recomend doing it over and over... it defenitly dmages your brain!

  4. Not a chance. But taking hundreds of acid trips, (back in the days when it turned you into a cabbage) will leave you with a stutter that might be highly embarrassing... NOT recommended.  

  5. okay yes. LEGALLY insane. that doesnt mean much though. not everyone goes "insane" from it. some people have really bad trips and then they go insane. but that could happen on your first trip. but all in all its just another way of the government branding us and telling us everything is bad and blah. you can be legally retarded and still fuction normally. putting the word "legally" in front of stuff just makes it sound worse, therefore scaring people away from it.  

  6. Acid is more damaging over the long term, the same with smoking weed.  

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