
Doing an assignment on the iraq war. what were the initial causes for the war??

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im thinking the three major causes were:

1.Iraq not complying with the UN Resolutions about the Weapons of Mass Destruction

2. President George Bush insinuating a link between Iraq and the 9/11 terrorist attacks

3.Saddam's funding to terrorists

any ideas/opinions/thoughts etc would be greatly appreciate!

& thanks for ur time (:




  1. none of the above.

    the greedy US government wanted more oil.

    guess who has lotsa oil. Iraq does.

    the terrorist link is inconsequential  

  2. The US media, based on lies from the US government, were claiming Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction that in reality never existed.

    The invasion and destruction of Iraq was based on this pure lie. Today, even the source of these lies has now been exposed.

    Yet reading the US media you would think maybe if anything it was only George 'Dubya' Bush that was to blame.

    Re. your points:

    1. Iraq DID comply with UN Resolutions.

    2. Correct, this is part of the story. But you should ask who was behind GW Bush.

    3. Saddam was no better and no worse than a whole bunch of third-world leaders, many of whom are best buddies of the USA. This is more an excuse than a reason.

    Nether America nor the US media has come to terms with their responsibility for their involvement in Iraq.

    Now the US, with the Zionists of Israel egging them on, are trying to start a conflict with Iran.

    And you wonder why Muslims take a dim view of all of this strife?

    No wonder a few Islamist hotheads are hitting back!

  3. Yes it was Iraq saying they had weapons of mass destruction and when troops got their to try to fight and stop them... they realised there was none. Now we are there apparently for oil.. how will they get the oil back anyway they dont have anything big enough to bring it back in. This war started in 2003 and should have ended then too because there is no ******* mass desturction!!!!

  4. The was was initiated by GWB's well-planed lies about iraqis WMD, link with 9/11, ... If you watch today's CNN news, you will get more details of his big lies and his determination to go to the war against American's will.

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