
Doing jury duty what is your opionion of this?

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Especially when it comes to malpractice suits. Do you know the meaning of the medical terms? Do you know a person can only collect 640,000 pay lawyer 40 percent and every doctor who tesifies and end up with 100,000 if lucky. This would not cover their future medical care No Way. Is it fair as a juror you do not know this and will not be told. The insurance companies are taking every case to court winning and charching docs a fortune in mal practice money making bundles of money. Who is the winner here? So knowing this would your opinion change on this issue? Would you go for the docs because you feel sorry for them and not the oath DO NO HARM? It seems so with this happening we are getting less in health care then we deserve. Not all doc some are great but others it all about the money not the patient. I worked for Doc and they have told me this. Once I asked we have lost 6 patient in 3 months because of the RX of pains killlers and they said this makes them money. No all doc do t




  1. Guest33691

    Kate is a backstabbing a*****e.  Do not trust her

  2. ive read all yyour other questions, and all i can say is god bless. im a fan of you, i like your questions, they intrest me. and that person that video taped you smoking and photshoped it, what an idiot. their just hurting themsleves in the long run! btw.....pot isnt a serious crime, dont stress yourself to much about your son. btw, im kate. nice to meet you, sunshine :D

        contact me, id like to keep in touch

        and about your husbansd, id leave the b*****d

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