
Doing "it" while dilated???

by  |  earlier

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I've read that you can have s*x throughout your pregnancy, but my husband doesn't think we should now since I'm 3cm and 75% effaced. He's afraid we're going to hurt the baby...? Is there a cut off line I should know about?

Also (figured I'd knock out an extra question), do these numbers mean I will go into labor soon, or do I still have some time?




  1. i think you hubby is right, although i dont think it will hurt the baby but maybe it could give you an infection. and i know people that have been 3cm for over 3 weeks (sorry) but they started dilating at 36 weeks. but if you are almost 40 weeks then dont worry you will go soon!! and hey your already 1/3 the way there!:)  good luck and congrats

  2. As long as your doctor hasn't said "no", have as much s*x as you want!  In fact some doctors tell you to just to induce labor.  We did "it" all the way up until the day we had our kids.

    You could have the baby any time now or it might be another couple of weeks.  I was barely dialated (1-2cm) with one of my kids and had her the next day.  And I was 3cm and 50% with another and didn't have him for another 3 weeks.  

  3. I just read about this last night on my "what to expect" book. they recommend using a condom at that stage. To prevent infections.

  4. my wife and I did "it" before both of our kid's and a day or two later she went into labor.

  5. If you are that far along and already most of the way effaced, i would not engage in intercourse personally with those numbers it's likely you could go into labor soon it really all depends on the baby and what your physical routines are. I walked a lot and that helped tremendously!!

  6. your doctor will tell you no intercourse while in the hospital for delivery, which is where you should be upon dilation

  7. My mother in law who was a nurse recommended s*x to me to get my labour moving along.  I was too sore to even contemplate it.  But if the doctor hasn't said no then go for it.

  8. You can safely have s*x until your water breaks.

    But if he doesn't want to .. respect his wishes.

    (You might go onto labor soon, or you might have a few weeks yet. Being dilated/effaced means nothing.)

  9. You can continue having s*x up until the end.  (unless you have had a restricted pregnancy of course)  That's how I went into labor.  I had been teetering on the edge of it, and it put me over.  

    Don't worry, you can't hurt the baby

  10. You can never tell, it could be another weekish or it could be in a few hours.

    I'm no professional, but i think s*x is fine. It WILL NOT. hurt you baby.

    However, it may induce labour.

    = ] Take Care.

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