
Doing research project for Child development class..need help!?

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I am doing a project for a child dev. class and my topic is child birth. I am required to find something that shocked/amazed/stunned/surprised me while researching the subject. This is called our "Aha!" LOL silly huh. Anyways, im having trouble finding something because i have learned just about everything i can about child birth. Is their anyone that knows something (or a link) about this subject that is shocking/surprising? Any thing that is interesting or weird and legit.

Serious answers only pls. Any help is appreciated!




  1. Well, I have a few ideas, but not sure i they're as odd as you want.

    Some women don't cut the umbilical cord at all, it's called a lotus birth. It heals much faster actually.

    Men can, and sometimes do, breastfeed.

    Honstly :)

    Hope they help.


    I would go with a story like this where baby has survived being outside the uterus and growing in the abdominal cavity.... that is definitely unique and surprising.

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