
Doing something nice for my girlfriend - easy 10pts for your quick opinion!?

by  |  earlier

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So here is my plan. I have 3 bags of presents for my girlfriend (they weren't too expensive, just thoughtful...I hope. I missed her a lot on my holidays). I am going to lay out a treasure trail for her.

So I am going to put a note on her door with sellotape, with the first clue, that will lead her to the first bag which is hidden in her garden, then that will have a clue to the second, hidden on her driveway, then her third and final gift under a tree in her garden.

The third bag is a really nice bracelet with a heart charm on it. The clues are in rhyme and I have wrote a little note explaining most of them into the bag.

So I am due to meet her at 11.30 close to her house, I am thinking I will head out at 10.30 to set everything up, and then do it very quickly and text her to 'urgently come outstide'.

Then she will see, and get all presents and we can then meet up. The only problem is I know if her parents, whom she still lives with saw all of this...if they saw me I would be so embarrased, and they hate me, so it would ruin it too. Any suggestions so they aren't a problem ? I hope it doesn't arise.

Opinions please ?

Thank you so much ! :)




  1. make sure they rn't home text her asking if her rents r home

    help me;...

  2. This sounds like a wonderful idea! Maybe you could tell her parents so that they don't think there is some creep in their yard. They shouldn't be mad at your for doing something nice for their daughter.  

  3. Do be embarrassed to show your love for her. She will most likely think it is brave and very very sweet of you to do all this for her!  

    Be as sneaky as you can tho so u dont run into any problems.

  4. Bribery always works. Get them a present too then explain your treasure trail plan to them and promise to clean up any mess. Or you can give them a free meal coupon to eat somewhere so they won't be home. Good luck!

  5. Kill her parents. Or wait til theyre not there.

  6. You know..if her parents saw you doing something like that for her they may not hate you so much anymore. :-) Would show them how much you care for her.  

  7. When they see what you've done for their daughter, they should think of it as very thoughtful of you. But if they really do hate you, then they need to learn to appreciate someone who actually cares about their daughter.

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