
Doing what's right in the workplace, or am I in the wrong?

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I recently found out over the weekend that one of my co-workers had at one time, "puffed the magic dragon" in the workplace and has also went home on breaks and then came back to work.

To my knowledge, it hasn't happened since but I feel that if I don't say something to management ASAP; this matter could affect me later within management.

on the other side of the coin, a voice is telling me to let it be. This co-worker was going through some rough strides when the said incident occurred and as I said before to my knowledge has come clean since. I just don't know what to think especially if management releases this co-worker. i.e. him losing his job, him losing his apartment, him having to move back home, other fellow co-workers labeling me as a narc.

today after work, I wrote a note to management that I wanted to speak to them in private about a matter that has come to my attention.

am I about to do something I might regret or should I hold my head high? (no pun intended)




  1. the cat is out the bag and it does not matter what we think, it's done

  2. If his performance hasn't suffered, leave it alone.  Some people make mistakes like this, but if there's been no adverse effect on anyone involved, then leave it be.  However, if it starts to become commonplace, you have an obligation to report it to upper management since it could affect YOU having a job, not to mention everyone else in the workplace.  As for him losing his job, his apartment, having to move back home, etc., well, that's called being forced to deal with the consequences of your actions.  You didn't force him to get stoned at work.  Savvy?

  3. I believe you are making a bigger thing than it is. Too late now. Go on and tell. Good luck to you with your co workers from now on.

  4. I see that you are inbetween of "doing the right thing" and also your concern for the employee.  If I were you, I would write a note to management, but I would just keep myself anonymous.  That way, you could feel less guilt.  But this is just a consideration.  If I were in your situation, I would feel the same between a "rock and a hard place."

  5. I'd listen to the inner voice telling you to stay out of it.

    If it were something happening regularly, especially if it was still going on, my answer would be different.

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