
Dolls scare me what should i do??

by  |  earlier

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looking at them is so creepy and i freak out!

espiceally old dolls :(





  1. i know what you mean.

    just avoid them. put them in a box and hide them, if you own them.

    when in other peoples houses, don't look at them.

    or, if they especially creep you out that you NEED to look at them, stare at them, and analyze in your mind what is so scary about them. tell youyrself, that they are just the same material as something harmless (like porcelain=plate) . if you're way to afraid, you become paranoid. and you'll make yourself perceive them as "moving"...which is just a trick of the eyes.


    if you think they have a curse, or are going to come to life..MOVE THEM. ask the person who owns them to politely move them, because they creep you out. make a joke of it.

    remember: there's nothing to be freaked out about. they can't hurt you. why? because that's the fake stuff in movies. never heard of it in real life, have you?

  2. I think you should chop off their heads and throw them in a river somewhere.

  3. I understand. I only got over dolls about 3 years ago. I watched Chucky :(

    I suggest thinking of a doll as plastic. The same way you can open a jar is the same way you can twist off one of their heads. So just try to think of them as weak. Your in control.

    Old dolls... do you mean porcelain? They break. You can smash their heads.

    Um, maybe it helps to understand that no one has really been killed, or hurt by a doll.. so if you get freaked out just remember that their is no way something so lifeless can scare you.

  4. Hire a copy of Childs Play...turn all the lights out....switch on the DVD.....enjoy!

  5. Hide them or call the maury show

  6. thats okay every1 is scared of something. just stay away from them as possible and u will be ok.

  7. sell it on eBay

    throw it in the garbage

    if its a glass doll smash its head with a hammer >:)

    or just put it in the back of your closet in a box and never open it unless there is an occasion where you can scare the **** out of someone with it. *cough cough* younger siblings *cough cough*

  8. napalm fixes that problem

  9. Shame them by lifting their skirts over their heads.

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