
Domestic Older Child vs International Infant ..?

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Has anyone adopted either and can you give me your advice / expirience? I've heard a lot from family & friends and now I need to hear from people who have actually done either or are an adopted child.




  1. How about you ask for info from adult adoptees, it really is inappropriate to be asking children these types of questions.

    My advice to you is to do a bunch of research about what separation from family feels like to an adoptee. Start with a book called Primal Wound by Nancy Verrier. She is an adoptive parent who noticed striking differences between parenting her adoptee and her natural child. Read some adoptee blogs.

    Check out these websites.... http//

  2. My husband and I adopted a 6 year old boy....Yes it is a little harder at first because they have been through so much but, it is all worth it in the end.  Our son is now 13 and, we are so proud of him and all he has been through.  

    Foster care has so many children that are older and just want a loving family.  You also can do fostercare that helps out other kids plus you can see what you can handle best and know your limits!!!

    Our son is our son we are his mom and dad you would be amazed on how many really do need loving homes and are really great kids....You can e-mail me if you like at

  3. Domestic Older Child!!!   They need attention, and love more than an infant.  I know it's heartbreaking to see the babies, with no one to care for them.  It's also heartbreaking to see the older children and even moreso adolescents, right here who have no one to care for them.  You can help put a dent in crime as well.  Read into the numbers.  I will be the first to admit that it's more of a challenge, but if you weren't looking for a challenge, you wouldn't be thinking of adopting ANY child.

  4. I am a birth mom that has very close contact with her adoptive family.  They adopted their son right from the hospital. We met beforehand and got to know each other. Now they are waiting for their little girl from china.

    You have to create a portfolio and do background checks.  It is much easier to adopt within your own country than abroad.  My friends have been waiting for their girl for 3years.  And have been told new applicants are having to wait longer.  

    Adoptions may be open or closed or semi open.  I chose an open adoption because that is what my childs family really wanted.  I know where they live and how to get ahold of them. Most agency adoptions are not like this.  But with an open adoption pictures are sent to the agency for the birth mom every 3m the first year, 2m the next two years, and once a year following.  closed adoptions have no contact and know nothing about one another.  It really is all about your and the birth mothers comfort level.

    International adoptions you are getting a child from an orphanage. Often they ask that you reamin in the country for 2weeks or so to absorb some of the culture and get you child aquainted to you and the family.

    good luck

  5. im actually getting adopted soon and ive been withthis family for 2 yrs just because right now its foster care so usually its quicker but i love my family like its my own i mean theres differences but there my parents and always will be i get mad at them but so do my friends with there biological parents so yea. there are so many teens in our country that need a home so i think this would be more convient and better!good luck!

    black boys 10 and older are easies to get besides the ones with disabilities


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