
Domestic Women Hockey in Malaysia to perk-up after 44 years

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Domestic Women Hockey in Malaysia to perk-up after 44 years
In order to improve the team’s performance and get the future targets, the Sarawak Women Hockey Association (SWHA) has formed a standing committee for this noble cause, today on July 20.
After 44 years, a revolutionary step was taken up by the association to enhance the body’s productivity in terms of competition and training programmes that will be organised under the ambit of some major sponsors.
The standing committee comprises of Christina Janggui, Rabunah Manjat, Lisa Ludong, Beatrice Sawin, Hajebah Arif, Cassandra Jothi Krishnan and Lepor Mumin.
This initiative has been taken by the new SWHA President, Datin Mary Sadiah Zainuddin, in the first exco meeting this weekend that took place after the body’s biennial general meeting, held last month on June 26.
After the meeting, Mary stated that these steps are being taken for enhancing SWHA’s functioning in the team’s build-up and the attainment of the set goals.
Mary clearly defined the recent objectives of the SWHA in the meeting that will take steps in building up the team for the next year’s Sukma XV, which is to be held in Pahang, followed by the Sukma 2014 and Sukma 2016. Both the events will be organised
in Sarawak, the host playing state.
The new President, who is also the General Manager of Petronas-Sarawak, said, “We already have a list of players for the Pahang Sukma and are in the midst of preparing  the budget for the training programme.”
According to Mary, the team will begin its preparation, after Hari Raya under the state coach-ship of Sivasubramaniam C. She also added that the association is thinking of sending the women team to West Malaysia for tournaments for their development.
Mary commented that the new committee will work upon the competitions, finance, welfare and development, rules, umpires and the state teams.
She also added, “Everyone now has a role to play in addressing several issues that might have been overlooked in the past.”
The target set for the team is to secure a semi-final berth in Pahang, considering the team’s past record. However, the goals are set high for the next competition in 2014, because until then a better team is expected to be formed after the build-up.



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